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Sadie is a writer from Andover who loves the works of Edgar Allan Poe, Lord Byron, and Emily Dickinson. She is fascinated by the French language and psychology, and many of her poems deal with issues including eating disorders, nature, and romances.
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O.P.Jha writes poems and fictions. His works have appeared in many reputed journals including “The Indian Literature”, “The Daily Tribune”, “Rigorous” (poems), “Rigorous” (Fiction), “Mantis”, “You Might Need To Hear This”, “Punt Volat”, “Zoetic Press” etc.. He is the author of an inspiring book “Management Guru Lord Krishna”. He has a Doctorate degree in “Translation…
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Antaeus is an award-winning author of "The Prepared Citizen," a situational awareness series. Raised in an inner city, Antaeus began working at age seven. He wrote his first poem at nine while cleaning toilets in a bar. Antaeus was a high school dropout at thirteen, working full-time to help support…
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Ossian Houltzén is a Swedish-Turkish emerging poet & writer. He can be found @ossianhz on X/Twitter.
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Born in 1949. Midwest working class family. I have lived a life outside the bell curve. My taste and my work are eclectic and tend toward clarity, simplicity and appreciation of the unique. 12 years Catholic school; BA in History from Northwestern University; radical Hippie in the 60's; Vietnam Veteran…
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Alexis-Rose Abendanio is a Filipino mixed Hawaiian writer born and raised in Las Vegas, Nevada. Her writing explores the uncomfortable, and she enjoys telling her life stories disguised behind words on a page. When she isn’t looking to strike the hearts of readers, she can be found vlogging about her…
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Influenced by Aja Monet & Akwaeke Emezi, Bright Aboagye is a Ghanaian who dreams of becoming a surrealist blues poet, writer and – with a passion for cooking – aspires to open a restaurant. As a first-generation applicant, he explores the narratives of minorities, particularly class, orphans, ecofeminism and all…
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Dr. Abod is an award-winning director of four documentary films, The Passionate Pursuits of Angela Bowen, The Edge of Each Other’s Battles: The Vision of Audre Lorde. Nice Chinese Girls Don’t: A poetry memoir with Kitty Tsui and Look Us in the Eye: The Old Women’s Project.  She is a former assistant professor of Communications and Women’s Studies. Her current passions…
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*Barlow Adams is a disciple of love and a student of heartbreak. He believe all stories are about love if one digs deep enough. His stories and poems have been published in many nice online and print journals, and some that are a little sketchy. Follow him on Twitter @BarlowAdams.
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Tracie Adams is a writer and teacher in rural Virginia.  Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in Oddball Magazine, The Write Launch, Bright Flash Literary Review, The Dead Mule School of Southern Literature,Sheepshead Review and others. Follow her on Twitter @1funnyfarmAdams and on Substack @tracieadams.
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Ed Ahern resumed writing after forty odd years in foreign intelligence and international sales. He's had over three hundred stories and poems published so far, and six books. Ed works the other side of writing at Bewildering Stories, where he sits on the review board and manages a posse of…
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Alicia Aitken lives in Essex, UK and loves to write short stories. Alicia is an avid reader, paddle boarder and traveller as well as a busy mum and coffee drinker. You can follow Alicia on twitter @aliciaaitken01.
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Geoffrey Aitken writes in Adelaide, on unceded Kaurna land as an awarded emerging poet whose stylized industrial minimalism shares his lived experience with publishers both locally (AUS) and internationally (the UK, US, CAN, Fr & CN). Most recent US, 'Déraciné Magazine' and Wishbone Words', in the UK.
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Barbara Alfaro is the recipient of a Maryland State Arts Council Individual Artist Award in Playwriting and winner of the IndieReader Discovery Award for Best Memoir for Mirror Talk. Her poems have appeared in various journals including Poet Lore, Variant Literature and Voices de la Luna. Her poetry collection Catbird is published by Finishing Line Press. Visit www.barbara-alfaro.blogspot.com
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 Robert Allen lives in Oakland, CA with his family where he writes poems, teaches poetry, and coaches poets in their craft. He has been published widely in online magazines and in print.
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Swetha is an Indian author based in California and a recent MFA graduate at University of San Francisco. She has published works across genres in Atticus Review, Oranges Journal, Toasted Cheese, and others (https://swethaamit.com). She is a reader for The Masters Review, and a staff writer for Fauxmoir lit mag.…
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Annar Amram, 24, is an Indigenous Marshallese poet living in diaspora on stolen land. Their poems have been previously published in Pathos Literary Magazine and Blackmail Press. When they aren't reading or writing poetry, they're taking mirror pics or making leis with their friends where they live in so-called Portland,…
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Carol E. Anderson is a life coach and former organizational consultant whose passions are writing, women’s empowerment and travel photography. She is the founder of Rebellious Dreamers, a twenty-year strong non-profit organization that has helped women over thirty-five realize dreams they’d deferred and women of all ages come into their own. Carol holds a doctorate in spiritual studies,…
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'sloane angelou is a storyteller & writer of West African origin; passionate about learning of human existence by interrogating human experiences. They exist in liminal spaces.'
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Jack Anthony is an emerging poet and writer from Brisbane, Australia. He is a recent BA writing graduate and has been featured in the poetry anthology zine “Heartfelt”, under a pseudonym. When not writing they can be found with their nose in a book, haunting thrift stores and bothering their…
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Anne Anthony’s poems have been published in West Trestle, Poetry South, Longleaf, and other literary journals. Her poem, She Wants, published by Blue Heron Review, was nominated for a 2018 Pushcart Award. She was selected as the Gold Writer by ArtAscent for her poem, High Horse. She is a senior editor and art…
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 "Townsend Anton downsized from New York City to Boston to Minneapolis to Maine; he is in his 29th year teaching English in the Pine Tree State."
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Shannon-Kate Archer is a Melbourne based lawyer. She is de-cluttering her mind after enduring one of the world's longest lockdowns alongwith the rest of her city. Shannon-Kate is determined to reduce her life stories to under 1000 words. So far she is succeeding.
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Charmaine Traynor-Ruitenberg (she/her) also known as Charmaine Arjoonlal is a writer and social worker living in Whitehorse, Yukon, Canada. Her writing has appeared in Brown Sugar Literary and will be forthcoming in Maclean's in January 2022.  
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Keith Aron is an emerging writer living in Western Massachusetts. His writing focuses on life viewed through a kaleidoscope of vantage points, including both sides of the gender binary, various spots on the class continuum, and along an arc of recovery. Nearsighted his whole life, he now marvels at the…
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Catherine Arra is a native of the Hudson Valley in upstate New York, where she lives with wildlife and changing seasons until winter when she migrates to the Space Coast of Florida. Arra teaches part-time and facilitates local writing groups.Recent work appears in Anti-Heroin Chic, Unbroken, Impspired, Poetica Review, Piker Press, Rat’s…
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Gigi Avila is a previously unpublished author, unless the poem she wrote for her middle school's literary magazine counts. She has a BA in sociology from The University of Texas at Austin and an MSW from The University of Houston Graduate College of Social Work. A social worker turned flight…
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Isabelle B.L is a teacher based in France. Her work can be found in the Best Microfiction 2022 anthology, Birth Lifespan Vol. 1 and Growing Up Lifespan Vol. 2 anthologies for Pure Slush Books, Flash Fiction Magazine, Visual Verse, and elsewhere.
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Nimalah Baaith-Ducharme is a poet currently enrolled in the MFA program at Emerson College while living in Wilmington, DE. She was awarded the Harold Taylor Prize in 2019 for her poem "Untitled Haiku 1-6" and has since continued writing poetry but has also found solace in fiction and non-fiction. She…
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Olivia (they/them) is a Philadelphia-born and -based artist. They are a longtime gardener, writer, musician, linguist and educator who is interested in illuminating creation in our lives, whether it be in the tending of land or the small moments of conversation. They are invested in building liberatory community and aspire…
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Jide Badmus is an engineer, a poet inspired by beauty and destruction; he believes that things in ruins were once beautiful. He is the author of There is a Storm in my Head; Scripture; Paper Planes in the Rain; Paradox of Little Fires; Silk Psalms; and Anatomy of the Sun…
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Steve Bailey is a retired middle school teacher starting a second career as a freelance writer. He lives in Richmond, Virginia, where he writes fiction, creative non-fiction, long stories, and short. He has a novel long manuscript in search of a publisher. His blog is https://vamarcopolo.blogspot.com/.
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P.M. Baird, born and raised in Salt Lake City, Utah, is a primarily self taught multi-disciplinary artist, who has been focused on fiction for the last decade. He is currently finalizing his second novel and will have his work featured in the upcoming spring issue of Amarillo Bay Literary Magazine.
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Michael Baldwin is a native Texan, retired from being a library administrator and professor of American Government. He has published 5 volumes of poetry. Scapes won the Eakin Poetry Book Award, 2011. Counting Backward From Infinity won the Morris Chapbook Award, 2012. Baldwin resides in Benbrook, TX. Website: www.jmbaldwin.com.  Twitter handle: @demospoet.
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Shine Ballard, the addlepatedacediast, currently creates and resides on this plane(t). @xShine14
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Shamik Banerjee is a poet from India. When he is not writing, he can be found strolling the hills surrounding his homestead. His poems have appeared in Fevers of the Mind, Lothlorien Poetry Journal and Westward Quarterly, among others.
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Danny P. Barbare resides in Greenville, SC. He lives with his wife, family, and sweet dog Miley. He works as a janitor at the University Center in Greenville.
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Joe Barca is a poet from New England. He has published four short poetry collections, and his work has been included in a number of publications and anthologies. He is a husband, a father, and the owner of a Wheaten Terrier.  Joe is a fast talker and a slow runner.
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Tom Barlow is an Ohio writer of poetry, short stories and novels.  His work has appeared in journals including One Art., Ekphrastic Review, Voicemail Poetry, Hobart, Tenemos, Redivider, The North Dakota Quarterly, The New York Quarterly, The Modern Poetry Quarterly, and many more. See more at tombarlowauthor.com.
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John Bartlett is the author of eight books -fiction, non-fiction and poetry.  In 2019 his first Chapbook The Arms of Men was published and Songs of the Godforsaken in June 2020. Awake at 3am, his full collection, was released by Ginninderra Press.  He was the winner of the 2020 Ada Cambridge Poetry Prize. He reviews and podcasts at beyondtheestuary.com Twitter: @beyond_estuary
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Karen Baumgart lives in Australia and adores beautiful quotes, pink things, cats, and chai tea. She loves working in human services policy, especially when it enables marginalised people to have a voice. Karen used to be an English teacher, and is quite certain that writing is, indeed, the best therapy.
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Jessica Bell (she/her) is an emerging writer living in Southwest Virginia with her dog and two ferrets. She holds an MFA in Creative Writing from Hollins University and is primarily interested in hybrid forms that explore themes of grief, addiction, and family inheritance. In her free time, she can often…
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Victoria Leigh Bennett, (she/her).  Resident in Greater Boston area, born WV.  B.A., Cornell University, M.A. & Ph.D., University of Toronto.  Degrees:  English & Theater.  Website started 2012: creative-shadows.com, now contains 8 novels & various reviews/articles mostly of literary nature.  Pub'd. "Poems from the Northeast," 334 pp., August 2021.  Poem repub'd.…
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Robert Beveridge (he/him) makes noise (xterminal.bandcamp.com) and writes poetry on unceded Mingo land (Akron, OH). He published his first poem in a non-vanity/non-school publication in November 1988, and it's been all downhill since. Recent/upcoming appearances in Kokako, The Impossible Archetype, and Taj Mahal Review, among others.
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TORI BISSONETTE (she/her) is a Vermont-transplant currently living in Philadelphia. There she teaches writing and sells ice cream. Presently she's a editor for Page & Screen Magazine. When she's not writing, she can be found hiking or cooking. Her work has previously appeared in The Writing Disorder and For Page…
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Annie Blackwell’s feet straddle the world. Taken to live in India at three-years-old and arriving in her New Zealand homeland at thirty, she previously resided in England, Pakistan, Brazil, Norway, Singapore and Papua New Guinea. Working for government and NGOs, she has tales to tell; companion to stable cleaning, dog walking…
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Mark Blickley grew up within walking distance of the Bronx Zoo. He is a proud member of the Dramatists Guild and PEN American Center and recipient of a MacArthur Foundation Scholarship Award for Drama. His latest book is the text-based art collaboration with fine arts photographer Amy Bassin, Dream Streams.
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Daniel Bliss is a world-traveling poet originally from Anchorage, Alaska. Currently, he is based in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan as part of the writing MFA program at the University of Saskatchewan. His poems often focus on relationship to the long list of places he's lived. His poems have been published or are forthcoming in…
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Ace Boggess is author of six books of poetry, including Escape Envy (Brick Road Poetry Press, 2021), I Have Lost the Art of Dreaming It So, and The Prisoners. His writing has appeared in Michigan Quarterly Review, Notre Dame Review, Harvard Review, Mid-American Review, and other journals. An ex-con, he lives in Charleston, West Virginia, where…
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Devon Bohm’s work has been featured in many publications including Necessary Fiction, Eunoia Review, Spry, Sixfold, Hole In The Head Review, Helix Magazine, and Sunday Mornings at the River’s 365 Days of Covid anthology. Her first book of poetry, Careful Cartography, was published in 2021 by Cornerstone Press. The collection…
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Katie Bourne (she/her) is a former middle school English teacher and current instructional designer who lives in St. Louis, MO with her 88-year-old grandmother and her two cats. Her best writing is done in her trusty notebook outside, preferably by a body of water. Her favorite ice cream is mint…
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Charles Brand is a certified educator of incarcerated and at-risk youth in Florida. Holding a graduate degree in history, he is motivated to blend formal and informal skills in creative writing to attract and satisfy readers with compelling wordplay. Charles's poems have also been published in Rue Scribe.
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Natasha Bredle is a writer based in Cincinnati. She likes sunsets and the quiet, and is the caretaker of several exotic pets. You can find her work in Words and Whispers, Polyphony Lit, and Lumiere Review, to name a few.
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Oisín Breen is a poet, part-time academic in narratological complexity, and financial journalist. Dublin born Breen's widely reviewed debut collection, 'Flowers, all sorts in blossom, figs, berries, and fruits, forgotten' was released Mar. 2020 by Edinburgh's Hybrid Press. Primarily a proponent of long-form style-orientated poetry infused with the philosophical, Breen…
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Leisel Brex is a trauma survivor with PTSD who strives to maintain privacy and anonymity. She hopes her writing shows that we are all poets living within poetry.
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Retired, Nancy K Brown lives in the redwoods of California's Central Coast, earned a B.A. in English and a Master's in Education, but the real learning happened in children's classrooms. She's worked with preschool children, taught elementary school and college students, training teachers. Nancy is raising two middle school aged…
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Maudie Bryant is a multidisciplinary artist from the Pacific Northwest now living in the Southern USA. Her writing often explores the depths of human experience, surveying the disquiet that lurks beneath the surface. A graduate of the University of Louisiana Monroe with a Master of Arts in English, Maudie’s poetry…
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Demetrius Buckley's work has appeared or is forthcoming in the Michigan Quarterly Review, where he won the 2020 Page Davidson Clayton Prize for Emerging Poets, Apogee, PEN America, and RHINO. He is the winner of the 2021 Toi Derricotte & Cornelius Eady Chapbook Prize.
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Marnie Bullock Dresser lives in Spring Green, Wisconsin with her husband and son and four cats in a house that, really, isn't big enough for that many living creatures. She has taught at the tiniest University of Wisconsin campus for the longest time. Her work has appeared in Prairie Schooner,…
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R.A. Buratovich is a writer and editor from the United States. They have written countless poems and short stories and have had work published in Nyack College's The Fine Print. Buratovich studied English as an undergraduate and has since taught English in Ukraine. They currently live in Michigan, where they…
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Emma Burger is a writer and healthcare professional working in oncology research. She splits her time between Ann Arbor, Michigan and New York City. Her debut novel, Spaghetti for Starving Girls, was released in September 2021. You can find her work in Schuylkill Valley Journal, Across the Margin, Idle Ink, Memoirist, The Whisky Blot, Potato Soup Journal, Bewildering…
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Olivia Burgess is an 18 year old word chef raised and residing near London, UK. Soon to embark on an English degree at King's College London, her poetry typically focuses on her raging internal conflicts, her muse, and the inextricable relationship between nature and humanity. She has been published in over…
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Jeff Burt lives in Santa Cruz County, California, with his wife. He works in mental health. He has contributed to Heartwood, Williwaw Journal, Red Wolf Journal, and Rabid Oak.
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Scott Burton is a writer & artist from Winston-Salem NC. His work consists mainly of poetry and prose as well as venturing into the novella realm from time to time. He is a dreamer and hopeless romantic - to a fault. With decades worth of poetry and prose in the…
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Ann Gold Buscho is a licensed clinical psychologist who specializes in family issues of loss and transition. Her book, The Parent’s Guide to Birdnesting: A Child-Centered Solution to Co-Parenting During Separation and Divorce, was published by Simon & Schuster in September 2020. Dr. Buscho is also a co-founder of a residential treatment program…
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Lydia Rae Bush (she/her) is an Early Childhood Educator whose poetry focuses on Mental Health, Social-Emotional Development, and Trauma Recovery. Her work can be found in publications such as Ink Drinkers, The Open Culture Collective, and Overcomer: Breaking Down the Walls of Shame and Rebuilding Your Soul. linktr.ee/lydiaraebush
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Sam Calhoun is a writer and photographer living in Elkmont, AL. The author of the chapbook “Follow This Creek” (Foothills Publishing), and a collaborative work “The Hemlock Poems” (Present Tense Media), part of the Conservation Through Art: Saving Alabama's Hemlock program and exhibit. His poems have appeared in Pregnant Moon…
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Andrea Camille D'Souza is a graduate of Princeton University where she studied Operations Research and Poetry. Her poems have been published in Tilted House, Agapanthus Collective, Olney Magazine, and elsewhere. She lives in the San Francisco Bay Area. You can visit her on Twitter at @animalcamille.
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Megan Cannella (she/her) is a Midwestern transplant currently living in Nevada. Her debut chapbook, Confrontational Crotch and Other Real Housewives Musings, is out now and available at https://linktr.ee/mcannella. You can find Megan on Twitter at @megancannella.
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Sam Canney is facilitator of creative consciousness. Originally from a small conservative town in North Carolina, he now resides in Brooklyn, NY workshopping with Brooklyn Poets and The Sadagat School of Motion and Text. His works include poetry in On-the-High Literary Journal, Sunday Mornings at the River, and the forthcoming…
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Matt Cantor is a surrealist from Boston, Massachusetts. He has been lucky to work in the past with extraordinary filmmakers, musicians and artists, and he'd be nowhere at all, of course, without his partner and his dog. It all comes from them, and he hopes someday it comes back to…
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Robin is a London-based playwright, poet and fiction writer. With themes ranging from toxic masculinity to the technological singularity, his work has appeared in The London Reader, Fauxmoir, A Thin Slice Of Anxiety, Bright Flash Literary Review, Silver Birch Press, Molecule Literary Magazine, Poetica Review, Visual Verse, Nine Muses Poetry…
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Ashley is a Tex-Mex poet + artist obsessed with sex, grief, lies, secrets and the nature of truths. Based in Oaxaca de Juárez, Ashley is self-taught and new to the game but taking her work seriously now. Her work appears in Tulip Tree Review and will have a poem appear…
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Camille Castro, 23, is a second-year linguistics student at her local university. Her works have appeared or are forthcoming in tenderness lit, Arteidolia, Academy of the Heart and Mind, and elsewhere.
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Shelby Catalano is a Pacific Northwest based poet and writer. She's been published in Poetically Magazine and the Deviant: Chronicles of Pride anthology from Inkfeathers Publishing. Her debut poetry collection From Heartbreak to Hopeful is coming out this spring. She enjoys used bookstores and nebulously traveling to chase off existential dread. Visit www.shelbycatalano.com to…
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Katya Cengel is the author of four non-fiction books including most recently the Independent Publisher Book Award (IPPY) winner Straitjackets and Lunch Money. Cengel’s earlier titles cover everything from minor league baseball in Bluegrass Baseball to falling in love at Chernobyl in From Chernobyl with Love. She has received an…
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I am a writer, nonprofit strategy consultant, restaurant cook, drummer and mother. My work has appeared in Chicken Soup for the Soul, Cincinnati Review, Jacobin Magazine, Motherwell and Under the Gum Tree. I live in St. Louis, Missouri.
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Jackie Chou is a poet and Jeopardy fan who has work forthcoming in Alien Buddha Zine and Highland Park Poetry.  Her work has also been published in Spillwords, Mollyhouse Lit, Altadena Poetry Review, Subterranean Blue Poetry, and Spectrum Publications.
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Kenny Chua is a marketer from Manila, Philippines. His writing can be found in Scout Magazine, Emerge Literary Journal, and Re-Side. Twitter: @_kennychua
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Reeve Chudd is a retired tax attorney now living in Carmel, Indiana.  He always wanted to be a writer, but he also always wanted to eat regularly.  Instead of creating soporific legal documents, he hopes now to retain readers’ attention with worthwhile prose.  If he’s unsuccessful, there’s always coffee.
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C. Cimmone is an author and editor from Texas. She's alive and well on Twitter at @diefunnier.
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JD Clapp is based in San Diego, CA. His work has appeared or is forthcoming in Wrong Turn Literary, Café Lit, The Milk House, Fleas on the Dog, The Whisky Blot, among several others. His story, One Last Drop, was a finalist in the 2023 Hemingway Shorts Literary Journal, Short Story…
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Ellen Clayton is from Suffolk, England where she lives with her husband and three young children. Her poetry often focuses on motherhood and love. She has been published in the Daily Drunk and has poems forthcoming in Nightingale and Sparrow, and Corporeal, Gypsophila and Honeyfire literary magazines. Her poetry can…
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John LaMar Cole was raised on a tobacco farm in the central Bluegrass of Kentucky in the 1960s.  He works as a certified medical interpreter, as well as a lifetime of gigs as pianist and musical director, currently finishing his doctorate in music composition.  Although John has written poetry since…
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john compton (b. 1987) is gay poet who lives in kentucky. he lives in a tiny town, with his husband josh and their 3 dogs and 2 cats. his poetry is a personal journey. he reaches for things close and far, trying to give them life: growing up gay; having…
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Steven Concert, Harveys Lake, PA – while it seems like forever, Steven has been writing poetry for slightly less than 46 years. One of nine children, sibling rivalry has become a treasure trove of poetic inspiration. As an adult, and on purpose, he has read all of Shakespeare's sonnets. His…
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Marianne Connolly is writer and visual artist living in western Massachusetts, and a member of Gallery A3, an artists' cooperative in Amherst, MA. She works with photography, collage and stories. Marianne is working on an urban fantasy novel set in Boston's gay community in 1983, and recently published her first…
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Nainsi is a writer from Carlow who has just completed a course in Creative Writing from the South East Technological University. She is fond of psychology (particularly to do with family relationships and mental health), mythology and foreign affairs. Not previously published.
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Nat Cotterill is an English teacher currently obsessed with learning and thinking about what AI can teach us about the human condition. Nat invites you to subscribe to her 'Love and Robots' writing project on Substack. 
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Lori Cramer's short prose has appeared in The Cabinet of Heed, Flash: The International Short-Short Story Magazine, MoonPark Review, Sledgehammer, Unbroken Journal, and elsewhere. Her work has been nominated for Best Microfiction. Links to her writing can be found at https://loricramerfiction.wordpress.com. Twitter: @LCramer29.
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Linda M. Crate's works have been published in numerous magazines and anthologies. She is the author of eight poetry chapbooks, the latest of which is: follow the black raven (Alien Buddha Publishing, July 2021). She has also authored three micro-collections, and four full length poetry collections.
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 Norman Cristofoli has published several chapbooks of poetry/prose plus two audio compilations of spoken word. He published the "Labour of Love" literary magazine for over 25 years and was co-founder of the "Coffeehouse" artist networking site. His play "The Pub" and new book of poetry "Relinquishing the Past" were both published…
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Ben Cromwell is an Assistant Professor of Writing at Marietta College in Southeast Ohio. He mainly writes YA and Middle Grade novels and has published work in Sage Magazine, Flyway, and Sugar House Review among others. To learn more visit his website bencromwell.net.
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Renee Cronley is a poet, writer, and nurse from Brandon, Manitoba.  She studied Psychology and English at Brandon University, and Nursing at Assiniboine Community College.  Her work has appeared in NewMyths.com,  Love Letters to Poe, Black Hare Press, and others.
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Everett Cruz (he, they) is a multicultural Filipino-American who lives and teaches in Denton, Texas. His writing has been or will be published in Five South, Resurrection Magazine, Marías at Sampaguitas, and Bulb Culture Collective. His work will be featured in the anthology “Dear Human at the Edge of Time.”
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Efren Laya Cruzada is a poet who was born in the Philippines and grew up in the small town of Alice, Texas. He studied English and American Literature and Creative Writing at New York University. He is the author of Grand Flood: a poem. His poems have been published in…
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Rebecca Culley is a 21 year old university student. Rebecca writes poems about everyday real life. Rebecca is for the most part happy.
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Ethan Cunningham's short works appear in print, on-screen, and on the stage. He has lived in many places but currently resides in California (for now).
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Bethany Cutkomp is a writer from St. Louis, Missouri. One day, she hopes to write YA novels and befriend the opossums under her porch. Her work appears or will appear in Mag 20/20, Split Rock Review, Crab Apple Literary, ballast, The Spotlong Review, oranges journal, and more. You can find her on…
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Sarah Daly is an American writer whose fiction, poetry, and drama have appeared in twenty-six literary journals including A Thin Slice of Anxiety, Ibbetson Street Press, The Seraphic Review, Superpresent Magazine, and Stick Figure Poetry.
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Jessica has been teaching high school English since 2013, and in 2020 became an adjunct professor with the University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh. She lives in Madison, Wisconsin.
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Arthur Davis was nominated for a Pushcart Prize, received the 2018 Write Well Award for excellence in short fiction and, twice nominated, received Honorable Mention in The Best American Mystery Stories 2017. His work has been published in journals as original and reprint fiction. Additional background at www.talesofourtime.com, Amazon Author Central…
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Eartha (@eartha_davis_) wishes to live simply, kindly, and most certainly by a river. She placed second in the 2022 Woorilla Poetry Prize Youth Section and was nominated for Best of the Net 2023, with work published or forthcoming in Wildness, Frozen Sea Journal, Minarets Revolute, JMWW, Arboreal Magazine, Hummingbird Blink,…
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Isabelle de Grave is a writer living in East Sussex. She has non-fiction and journalistic essays published by IPS News and Pioneers Post. Her poems explore themes of love, family, nature and the intersection of the domestic and the wild. She writes in between looking after two little boys, muddy…
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Wanda Deglane is a poet and therapist from Arizona. She has written Melancholia (Vegetarian Alcoholic Press, 2021) and other books.
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Mia Amore Del Bando was born and raised in Long Beach, California. She is a Los Angeles based flight attendant. Her profession allowed her to travel to several countries and practices her independence wherever she goes. She has been featured in The Art of Everyone, You Might Need To Hear This, Flora…
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Darren C. Demaree is the author of sixteen poetry collections, most recently "a child walks in the dark", (December 2021, Harbor Editions).  He is the recipient of an Ohio Arts Council Individual Excellence Award, the Louise Bogan Award from Trio House Press, and the Nancy Dew Taylor Award from Emrys Journal.
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Chris was born and raised in Sydney Australia. He completed university in Sydney and graduated with a degree in business studies. Chris has devoted his spare time to writing, with recent works published in Quadrant, The Remington Review, The Aurora Journal, Jalmurra, Eunoia Review, Ink Drinkers Poetry, 101 Fiction, and…
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DC Diamondopolous is an award-winning short story, and flash fiction writer with over 300 stories published internationally in print and online magazines, literary journals, and anthologies. DC's stories have appeared in: Penmen Review, Progenitor, 34th Parallel, So It Goes: The Literary Journal of the Kurt Vonnegut Museum and Library, Lunch Ticket, and others.…
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Born and raised in California, Sarah has spent the past decade traveling the world and writing stories of the people and places she encounters along the way. As a queer, neurodivergent writer, Sarah is passionate about literature that accurately showcases often underrepresented or misrepresented voices. Read more of her work at www.sarahdittmore.com and…
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Kirsten Sto. Domingo is a disabled writer from the Philippines. She mainly writes with themes such as nostalgia and memory. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in Do Geese See God, Moonbow Magazine, Transients Magazine and Scarlet Dragonfly Journal. In her spare time, she enjoys watching sitcoms and reading…
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Aria Dominguez (she/they) is a writer whose poetry and creative nonfiction navigate the terrain between beauty and pain. Her work has been published in anthologies and she was the winner of the 2021 Porch Prize in Creative Nonfiction, finalist for the 2021 Lighthouse Writers Workshop Emerging Writers Fellowship in Nonfiction,…
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Jackie Donaldson writes poetry and creative nonfiction. Her work has been published in The Vehicle, Loud Coffee Press, Across the Margin and others. Connect with Jackie on Instagram and Twitter @jacquiverse.
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Dean Z. Douthat is a retired engineer residing at a senior living facility in Ann Arbor, Michigan.
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Ralph Dranow works as an editor and writing coach. His poems and articles have been widely published. His website is https://www,ralphdranow.net.
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David Dumouriez has some work 'out there'. If you find it, he'll be glad. If you don't find it, he won't be less glad.
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Chris Dungey is a retired auto worker in MI. He rides a Honda scooter and a mountain bike for the planet.; follows Detroit City FC with religious fervor, Hearts and Queens Park in UK.  More than 75 of his stories have been published in litmags and online. Most recent collection…
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Marchell Dyon is a poet and a poet enthusiast from Chicago, IL, She enjoys reading poetry wherever she finds it. She has published, since 2009 to the present. Once she was nominated for the best of the net prize for her poem: as I stand by my window dreaming of…
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George Gad Economou holds a Master's degree in Philosophy of Science and resides in Athens, Greece, doing freelance work whenever he can while searching for a new place to go. His novella, Letters to S., was published in Storylandia Issue 30 and his short stories and poems have appeared in literary…
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Bart Edelman’s poetry collections include Crossing the Hackensack (Prometheus Press), Under Damaris’ Dress (Lightning Publications), The Alphabet of Love (Ren Hen Press), The Gentle Man (Ren Hen Press), The Last Mojito (Ren Hen Press), The Geographer’s Wife (Ren Hen Press), Whistling to Trick the Wind (Meadowlark Press), and This Body Is Never at Rest: New and Selected Poems 1993 – 2023 (Meadowlark Press).  He has taught at…
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Rae Stone is a queer poet from Boston, Massachusetts. They enjoy using nature to explore social issues and personal experiences. When they aren’t writing they can be found people watching, cuddling their dog, or crocheting multiple items at once.
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Milton P. Ehrlich Ph.D. is a 90-year-old psychologist and a veteran of the Korean War. He has published many poems in periodicals such as the London Grip, Arc Poetry Magazine, Descant Literary Magazine, Wisconsin Review, Red Wheelbarrow, Christian Science Monitor, and the New York Times.
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Thomas Elson's stories appear in numerous venues, including Blink-Ink, Ellipsis, Better Than Starbucks, Bull, Cabinet of Heed, Flash Frontier, Ginosko, Short Édition, North Dakota Quarterly, Litro, Journal of Expressive Writing, Dead Mule School, Selkie, New Ulster, Lampeter, and Adelaide. He divides his time between Northern California and Western Kansas. 
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Jessica Espejel is a Mexican-American poet and public librarian based in New York City. Her days are mainly spent reading articles about wellness or finance, exploring the city's best vegan spots, and planning her next international adventure with her spouse. Her poetry delves into the inner psyche of being a…
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Rachel Esser is a young female writer and teacher from Calgary, Alberta. She teaches high school English and has been published in Chicken Soup for the Soul and Last Girl's Club Magazine. Find out more at rachelesser.com.
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Cory Essey lives in Pittsburgh.  Her work has previously appeared on Discretionary Love, The Write Launch, and Two Sisters Writing and Publishing.
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Alexander Etheridge has been developing his poems and translations since 1998.  His poems have been featured in The Potomac Review, Scissors and Spackle, Ink Sac, Cerasus Journal, The Cafe Review, The Madrigal, Abridged Magazine, Susurrus Magazine, The Journal, Roi Faineant Press, and many others.  He was the winner of the…
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Anthony Kane Evans has had around sixty short stories published in various UK, French, US, Canadian, Nigerian, Singaporean, and Australian literary journals, e-zines, and anthologies. Journals include London Magazine (UK), Orbis Quarterly International Literary Journal (UK), The Tusculum Review (US), and The Antigonish Review (Canada). Though born in the UK,…
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Louis Faber is a poet and writer living in Florida with his wife (a fellow poet) and their cat (their editor). His work has appeared widely in the U.S., Canada, Europe and India and in Cantos, The Poet (U.K.), Alchemy Spoon, , Dreich (Scotland), Tomorrow and Tomorrow,), Defenestration, Atlanta Review, …
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 R. Gerry Fabian is an internationally published poet and novelist. He has published four books of his published poems, Parallels,  Coming Out Of The Atlantic, Electronic Forecasts and Ball On The Mound. In addition, he has published three novels : Getting Lucky (The Story), Memphis Masquerade, and Seventh Sense. His web page is https://rgerryfabian.wordpress.com He lives…
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Zeinab Fakih is a Lebanese-Canadian author and poet. She has written two poetry collections titled I Didn't Know How to Say This. So, I Wrote It Down and Sweet Tea and Ketamine. Through her writing, Fakih aims to explore themes of identity and the human experience. Tiktok - @zeinabjfakih
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Erin Fanning is the author "Cloud Warrior" (Saddleback, 2018), "Blood Stitches" (Kensington, 2015), "The Curse of Blackhawk Bay" (Sam's Dot, 2008) and "Mountain Biking Michigan" (Globe Pequot, 2002), as well as numerous short stories, essays, and articles. When not writing or reading, she can be found skiing, snowshoeing, biking or kayaking,…
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Karina is a storyteller, dancer, grants manager. She learned about her Philippine roots and American culture through folk dancing as a teenager in San Francisco, where she immigrated with her family as a child. She left her senior year of college to raise her niece and become her legal guardian.…
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Ivanka Fear is a former teacher pursuing her passion for writing. She earned her B.A. and B.Ed., majoring in English, at Western University. Her writing appears in Spadina Literary Review, Montreal Writes, October Hill, The Sirens Call, The Literary Hatchet, Understorey, Muddy River Poetry Review, and elsewhere. She resides in Ontario, Canada,…
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Zary Fekete… …grew up in Hungary …has a novelette (In the Beginning) out from ELJ Publications and a debut novella coming out in early 2024 with DarkWinter Lit Press in addition to two short story collections later in 2024. …enjoys books, podcasts, and many many many films. Twitter and Instagram: @ZaryFekete
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Currently, LA is an accountant at the University of Iowa.  Before that, she was a seminary professor.  Prior to that, she was a pastor.  She moved to Iowa City with her husband in 2016 and started writing poetry soon afterwards. She credits the Free Generative Writing Workshops with her growth…
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Sean Ferrier-Watson has pieces published or forthcoming in Lovecraftiana, Borderlands: Texas Poetry Review, Better Than Starbucks, Hawk & Whippoorwill, Hellbound Books, and Illumen. He was recently a finalist in Crystal Lake Publishing’s Shallow Waters Flash Fiction Contest. His book The Children’s Ghost Story in America was published by McFarland in 2017. Follow him at www.seanferrierwatson.com.
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Barratt Fierens writes about the unnoticed, the unthinkable and the real but not realised. Writing from an old stone house on the edge of a woodland in a valley.
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Frank William Finney is a Boston-based poet who taught at Thammasat University in Thailand from 1995 to 2020. Some of his recent work can be found in The Plentitudes, Slipstream Magazine, Stone Poetry Journal, and elsewhere.  His chapbook The Folding of the Wings is forthcoming from Finishing Line Press. 
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Five states, a B.A. in English and MFA in Writing later, Mark Fleckenstein settled in Massachusetts. Twice nominated for a Pushcart Prize, he's published four books of poetry: Making Up The World (Editions Dedicaces, 2018), God Box (Clare Songbird Publishing, 2019), A Name for Everything (Cervena Barva Press, 2020), and Lowercase God (Unsolicited Press, 2022), and five chapbooks: The…
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Melissa Flores Anderson is a Latinx Californian whose creative pieces have been published by Vois Stories, the Placing Poems project, sPARKLE&bLINK, Rigorous Magazine, and Moss Puppy Magazine. Her work "Not a Gardener" was featured in City Lights Theater Company's The Next Stage and Play on Words San Jose. She has read pieces in the Flash…
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Nolcha has written all her life, starting with poop and crayons on the walls. Her poems have been published in WyoPoets News, Duck Head Journal, Ancient Paths, Dark Entries, The Red Lemon Review, Agape Review, Bullshit Literary Magazine, Storyteller's Refrain, Wilder Literature, Paddler Press, the 2022 WyoPoets chapbook Emergence, Gone Lawn, Levatio's first issue Serenity, Spirit Fire Review, and Lothlorien Poetry Journal. Her chapbook,…
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Sav Franz is a loosely strung banjo living in Winston-Salem, NC. Their work has appeared in Tiny Seed, Poetic Sexploration, Let’s Stab Caesar!, and Short Ends. Further prophecies and visions may be found at bio.site/savfranz
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IF’s poetry is a shout-out to the sacredness of our days, a three-chord party jam, and a tribute to the triumph of love over fear. Along with being a prolific writer of page poetry, IF is a two-time Canadian National Slam Poetry Champion, winner of the Buffalo International Slam, and…
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Diane Funston writes poetry of nature and human nature. She co-founded a women's poetry salon in San Diego, created a weekly poetry gathering in the high desert town of Tehachapi, CA and most recently has been the Yuba-Sutter Arts and Culture Poet-in-Residence for the past two years. It is in…
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Annette Gagliardi has poetry published in Motherwell, Wisconsin Review, American Diversity Report, Origami Poems Project, Amethyst Review, Door IS A Jar, Trouble Among the Stars, Poetry Quarterly, Sylvia Magazine, and others. She is co-editor of Upon Waking. 58 Voices Speaking Out from the Shadow of Abuse, We Sisters, 2019.  Visit her website at: https://annette-gagliardi.com/
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Christian Garduno's work can be read in over 100 literary magazines. He is the recipient of the 2019 national Willie Morris Award for Southern Poetry and a Finalist in the 2020-2021 Tennessee Williams & New Orleans Writing Contest. He lives and writes along the South Texas coast with his wonderful wife Nahemie and…
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Conner Gebben is a young writer from Pittsburgh, PA who specializes in poetry and creative nonfiction. In his free time, he loves to sit under a tree with his friends, read pragmatic philosophy, and collect physical media.
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Barbara Genova (she/her/they) is the pen name of a public woman who went private. Poetry written as Barbara has been published / is forthcoming at The Daily Drunk, surfaces.cx, Anti-Heroin Chic, Sledgehammer Lit, Scissors and Spackle, The Final Girl Bulletin Board., Fahmidan Journal. She can be found on Twitter @CallGenova…
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JGeorge (she/her) currently writes from Pondicherry. Her poems appear or are forthcoming in Borderlands: Texas Poetry Review, West Trestle Review, Lumiere Review, Literary Shanghai, Mookychick and others.
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Alison Goeller is a former professor of American literature now living in southern France. Her short stories have appeared in The Painted Bride, Potato Soup, The Literary Yard, The Gathering, SandPaper and other journals. She has also written three murder mysteries, two of which ("Frozen in Love” and “The Possessive…
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Katy is a writer and editor for a national engineering and surveying organization and a fiction editor for Identity Theory. Her writing has appeared in The Dead Mule School, Reckon Review, Cowboy Jamboree, Salvation South, and elsewhere. Her first job was being the Easter bunny at her local mall. She peaked early. She…
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Dušan Gojkov, born in Belgrade, Yugoslavia, August 11, 1965. Yugoslav and Serbian radio director, playwright, poet, storyteller, novelist, composer. From 2021, Secretary General of the Armãn PEN Centre.
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Neile Graham is Canadian by birth and inclination but is a long-term Seattle resident where she can still live close to salt water and rainforest. Her poems have recently appeared in Polar Starlight, Mad Swirl, and Amethyst Review, and her most recent collection is The Walk She Takes. See neilegraham.com for more…
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Emerging from a long professional career, Stephen Grant is a Toronto writer and poet. He has penchant for Maine Coon cats and art, the latter on which he is currently writing,
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DJ Grant holds a B.A. in English, Emphasis Literature, from The University of British Columbia. Grant is an award-winning writer, artist, and cook. Find her work at The Mighty, Cosmic Daffodil Journal, and Grand Little Things. Grant is a disabled artist who lives - and sleeps  - with Narcolepsy.
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John Grey is an Australian poet, US resident, recently published in Sheepshead Review, Poetry Salzburg Review and Hollins Critic. Latest books, "Leaves On Pages" and "Memory Outside The Head" are available through Amazon. Work upcoming in Lana Turner and International Poetry Review.
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Roy Gu is Professor of English in the School of English Studies at Shanghai International Studies University. He has published short stories and poems, and translated several books, including Haizi’s Poems, Love by Toni Morrison, and short stories by Abdulrazak Gurnah, Chinua Achebe, and Ngũgĩ wa Thiong'o. He is also a singer-songwriter…
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Nathalie Guilbeault is a native Montrealer now living in North Hatley, Quebec. She holds an MSc. in Management from Montreal’s École des Hautes Études Commerciales and has been writing full time since 2016. Nathalie acknowledged the need to write and to give it space later in life. Now, writing––the writing…
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Process Efficiency Manager by day and daydreamer by nature, Tom, wife Andrea and their ‘Gumbert Mountain Kitties’ live in a log cabin overlooking the Ohio River near an Adena Burial Mound. Tom often thinks about life and death, love and legacy. He feels fortunate to have had his writing published…
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Benardo Gunzburger Lopes is a luso-brasileiro currently attending medical school in Lisbon, Portugal. Since the turn of the millenium, he's called many countries and interests his own, presently struggling between fulfilling his Goodreads Reading Challenge and keeping up to date with his classes.
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Lázaro Gutiérrez is a Cuban-born poet. His family immigrated to the United States when he was eight years old. Lázaro has been writing stories and poetry since he was a young boy. He attended Belmont Abbey College in Belmont, NC, where he studied Educational Studies and minored in English. Lázaro’s…
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Ken Haas lives in San Francisco where he works in healthcare and sponsors a poetry writing workshop at UCSF Children's Hospital. His first book, Borrowed Light, won the 2020 Red Mountain Press Discovery Award, as well as a 2021 prize from the National Federation of Press Women. Ken has been nominated…
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Maija Haavisto has had two poetry collections published in Finland: Raskas vesi (Aviador 2018) and Hopeatee (Oppian 2020). In English her poetry has appeared in Cosmospen, Topical Poetry, Littoral, Eye to the Telescope, Shoreline of Infinity and Kaleidoscope.
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Hazel J. Hall is a writer and poet powered by caffeine and insulin. Right now, she is pursuing an English degree while working on her first novel. More of Hazel's work can be found in Bending Genres, Vocivia Magazine, and CLOVES Literary, with other pieces forthcoming or visible at her…
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Mike Hall is the author of two collections of poetry, Autumn's Back Porch and Thinking Out Loud. His work has appeared in Foreshadow Magazine, Pure in Heart Stories, Solid Food Press, Clayjar Review, Spirit Fire Review, Modern Reformation, Agape Review, and Faith on Every Corner Magazine. He and his wife,…
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Julianna is a mother, wife, creative writing student, and wears many other hats in between. Born and raised on the east coast of Canada, she is continually inspired by nature and people.
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Maria Hanley is a new writer, inspired by the fine details of day-to-day living and the layered experiences of being human. Her piece "Holy" was awarded second place in the 2021 Soul-Making Keats Literary Competition for Memoir Vignettes. She lives in Santa Barbara, California with her husband and three sons.…
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Jim Hanley’s background includes careers in the military, Human Resources, and as an adjunct professor. He has had over ninety short stories published in print and online magazines. Transitioning to the novel, Jim has had seven novels published by independent small publishers.
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Dominic Harbinson has a lot of fun trying to catch poems and shaping prose and sifting through a locker full of stuff from time spent living in Australia, Brazil, India, Massachusetts, Tokyo and China. He and his wife run a busy Chinese medicine clinic in Canterbury, England.
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Originally from rural Wales, Nia (She/Her) has lived in East Yorkshire the past 6 years. A single mother and occasional blogger, her self-published collection 'Walking through the shadows' was published in 2017 and she is working on her next collection. She has featured in The High Wolds Poetry Festival and accompanying collections, The…
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Lisa Hartsgrove is program coordinator & writing instructor for Project Write Now, a nonprofit transforming individuals, organizations, and communities through writing. She is currently working on a YA novel-in-verse as well as keeping up with a daily “One Sentence a Day” writing project she began in March of 2016. She…
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Besides his aspirations for storytelling, RA Haskell is a father, a husband, a runner, a U2 fanatic, and a lover of single malt scotch. He has a worldly perspective having flown over one million miles and visited more than a dozen countries.
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Elke Hasselmann is a recent English graduate who has published in her Universities Tribune several times throughout her time back at school after the pandemic. She continues to write pieces reflecting on childhood and the nostalgia for the lost world of girlhood curiosity and creativity.
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N.Y. HAYNES is a poet and playwright, as well as an avid athlete currently residing in New York.  She likes rainy weather.  Her poetry can be found in various publications.
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Sam Hendrian is a lifelong storyteller striving to foster empathy and compassion through art. Originally from the Chicago suburbs, he now resides in Los Angeles, where he primarily works as an independent filmmaker and has just completed his first feature film Terrificman, a deeply personal ode to the power of…
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Matthew E. Henry (MEH) is the author of the poetry chapbooks Teaching While Black (Main Street Rag) and Dust & Ashes (Californios Press). His full-length collection, the Colored page, is forthcoming from Sundress Publications. The editor-in-chief of The Weight Journal, MEH's recent poetry is appearing or forthcoming in Massachusetts Review, New York Quarterly, Ploughshares, Poetry East, and Shenandoah. MEH's…
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Dale Hensarling is an artist, musician, and author living in Phoenix, Arizona, with his wife, puppies, and a beatboxing parrot named “Pongo.”  He got his MFA in Creative Writing from Lindenwood University, and he currently teaches in the Phoenix school system.
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Lucca Hermes (he/him) is a writer, editor, photographer, and witch living in Madison, Wisconsin. You can find him wandering forests with his service dog Regulus, editing for Corporeal, or rambling on Twitter @LuccaHermes.
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Duane L. Herrmann, internationally published, award-winning poet and historian, has work translated into several languages, in print and online.  He has a sci fi novel, seven full-length collections of poetry, a history book, and more chapbooks.  His poetry has received the Robert Hayden Poetry Fellowship, inclusion in American Poets of…
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Lynn Hess is a retired middle-school English teacher who also conducted weekly poetry-writing workshops for children in grades K through 8. She will forever teach in her dreams. Her poetry has appeared in literary journals including Blackberry, The Spoon River Quarterly, Encore, Aeolian Harp,The Berkshire Sampler and The Red Eft Review. Where Tigers Roar in…
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Maria Hetherton is a retired teacher with a past in academia (PhD in Folklore, Indiana U), but a career mostly in high and middle school. Having time to write has been the dream of a lifetime. Her nonfiction appears at Herstry, Hippocampus, The Malahat Review, and the blog at Dappled Things,…
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Interested in the arts and storytelling from a young age, Dre Hill sought to combine his passion for literature and cartoons. Hill is an artist and storyteller who was born in Fort Worth, Texas. He graduated from Drury University in 2021 with his B.A. in Animation and Writing. He currently resides…
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Claire Holahan is a New Orleans-based writer who passionately explores the little laugh behind fear and grief. She has been published in The Atlantic, HelloHorror, The London Reader, The Bookends Review, and more.
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Paul Hostovsky’s latest book of poems is Pitching for the Apostates (Kelsay, 2023). His poems have won a Pushcart Prize, two Best of the Net Awards, and have been featured on Poetry Daily, Verse Daily, The Writer’s Almanac, and the Best American Poetry blog. He makes his living in Boston…
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Cori Howard is a writer and poet living on the traditional unceded territory of the Coast Salish peoples. Her poetry has appeared in Cordella Magazine, Fieldstone Review, Sustenance and The Sound. An award-winning journalist of 30 years, her work has appeared in The New York Times, Washington Post, Real Simple…
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Arden Hunter is an aroace agender writer, artist and performer. They enjoy creating art around themes of identity, what makes a human 'human', and how we all relate to the world. They have words coming up in Farther from the Trees, The Confessionalist and Pop the Culture Pill, among other places. Find them on…
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June Hunter lives and writes in Sneem, County Kerry, Ireland. Her work has been featured in various publications including Flash Fiction Magazine, Reflex Fiction, Potato Soup Journal, Blue Nib, Strands Publishers, Bloom, Witcraft and Spillwords. She founded and facilitates the Sneem Writers’ Group, and participates in – Clann na Farraige Writers’…
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At the age of 17, channeling the essence of love through his poetic expressions. His verses are a testament to the intricacies of youthful romance, weaving together emotions with the finesse of a seasoned bard. With each line penned from the depths of his soul, he invites readers into a…
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Nancy Byrne Iannucci is a poet from Long Island, New York who currently lives in Troy, NY with her two cats: Nash and Emily Dickinson.  San Pedro River Review, Defenestration, Hobo Camp Review, Bending Genres, The Mantle, Typehouse Literary Magazine, Bluebird Word, Glass: a Poetry Journal are some of the…
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Yuu Ikeda (she/they) is a Japan based poet and writer. She loves mystery novels, western art, sugary coffee, and japanese comic “呪術廻戦 (Jujutsu Kaisen)”. She writes poetry on her website. https://poetryandcoffeedays.wordpress.com/ She is the author of poetry collections ; “The Palette of Words”, “Seasons Echoing Around Me”, “Phantasmal Flowers in…
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Poet and songwriter Paul Ilechko lives with his partner in Lambertville, NJ. He is the author of several chapbooks. His work has appeared in a variety of journals, including The Night Heron Barks, Feral Journal, K'in, Gargoyle Magazine, and Book of Matches. His first album, "Meeting Points", was released in…
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Sharon Israel is a Sephardic-American poet.  Her debut chapbook Voice Lesson was published in 2017 by Post Traumatic Press. She was an early recipient of Brooklyn College’s Leonard B. Hecht Poetry Explication Award, was nominated for “Best of the Net” in 2016 and won Four Lines’ 2020 winter poetry challenge. Sharon’s work has most…
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James Croal Jackson works in film production. His most recent chapbooks are Count Seeds With Me (Ethel Zine & Micro-Press, 2022) and Our Past Leaves (Kelsay Books, 2021). Recent poems are in Stirring, SAND, and Vilas Avenue. He edits The Mantle Poetry from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. (jamescroaljackson.com)
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Austin Allen James is a Visiting Professor at Texas Southern University.  He has taught at TSU since the Fall of 2012.  Austin was a committee member in 2016 charged with creating a “Professional Writing” concentration that includes five creative writing classes.  He has taught all five courses through the years, with his focus being the Poetry…
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D. R. James, retired from nearly 40 years of teaching college writing, literature, and peace studies, lives, writes, and cycles with his psychotherapist wife in and around the woods near Saugatuck, Michigan. His latest of ten collections are Mobius Trip and Flip Requiem (Dos Madres Press, 2021, 2020), and his work has appeared internationally…
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Mary Janicke is a gardener and writer living in Texas. Her work has appeared in The New York Times, USA Today, Green Ink, Honeyguide, Blue Lake Review, and elsewhere.
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Christiana Jasutan (she/her) is a Chinese-Indonesian writer currently pursuing her degree in BA English and Creative Writing at the University of Birmingham. She is the Publication Editor for Writers' Bloc and the Magazine Editor and Social Media Manager for small leaf press. She explores embodiment, identity, childhood, love, emotions, and…
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Minglu Jiang is a high school student and writer from Detroit, MI. Her stories have appeared in the Copperfield Review Quarterly, Voyage YA Journal, Ice Lolly Review, and Five on the Fifth. When she's not writing, she is an avid bassist and songwriter. You can find her on Twitter at @jiang_minglu…
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Mirabelle is a 16-year-old student, writer, cynic, and avid figure-skater from Orange County, California. She once memorized Juliet's balcony monologue from Romeo and Juliet for fun. She also likes to take naps.
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Simone John-Vanderpool is about to begin her second year as an English Lectrice at the University of Picardie Jules Vernes. She received her BA/MA in Psychology and French from Wesleyan University, and has been teaching English in France since the fall of 2020. Her lifelong curiosity about the human condition…
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Shelly Jones, PhD (she/they) is a Professor of English at SUNY Delhi, where she teaches classes in mythology, folklore, and writing. Her speculative work has previously appeared in Podcastle, New Myths, The Future Fire, and elsewhere. Find her on Twitter @shellyjansen.
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C.D. Jones is a Black poet studying design and creative writing at Fordham University where she is recognized as the Reid Family Prize Winner of 2023. Her work—centering on girlhood and family bonds—is featured in Nighthawk Literature and Bricolage Journal.
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Peter Kaczmarczyk was raised in New England and has lived the last 30 years in Southern Indiana. His works strive to tell short tales in simple words that are accessible to all. Peter is always surrounded by cats, one of whom will draw blood if he spends too long writing.…
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Simon Kaeppeli is a scientist and writer. He writes in fits and starts but prides himself on mostly keeping track of his work. His poems and microfiction were published in Better Than Starbucks, Spark to Flame, 50-Word Stories, and Haikuniverse. He currently lives on the East Coast with his two…
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Reena Kapoor, a techie-turned-writer, grew up all over India as an "army brat". That wandering sensibility is reflected in her debut poetry collection Arrivals & Departures: Journeys in Poems. For over a decade, Reena has been a Citizen Historian with The 1947 Partition Archive collecting oral histories from witnesses of…
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Maria Karametou was born in Athens, Greece. She is a mixed media artist, writer, and professor with an international exhibition record that includes museum and gallery shows in Germany, Greece, Russia, the USA, Bulgaria, Turkey, China, and Korea, among many others. Her most recent solo exhibition was at the Katzen…
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Olga Katsovskiy, writer/editor/educator, is a Creative Nonfiction Editor at Minerva Rising Press, Associate Creative Nonfiction Editor at JMWW, and nonfiction reader at Reckon Review. She works in a healthcare organization in Boston and is a writing instructor at the Cambridge Center for Adult Education. Her essays appear in Atticus Review: The Attic, Barzakh Magazine, Brevity…
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Jasmine Kaur (she/her) is a queer punjabi writer/artist. She likes to surround herself with stories and poetics in any medium, including audio, video, still images and performance. She tends to be weird like other normal abnormal normal people and enjoys pretending that she's very self-aware. Some of her work has…
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Hello. I'm Sophie, and I'm a writer of long tweets, short fiction, and mediocre poetry. My stories have been picked up by Ellipsis Zine, Popshot Quarterly, Mojave Heart Review, Lunate Literary Journal, Spelk Fiction, Moonchild Magazine, New Pop Lit, Elephants Never, two charity anthologies, and other publications. I was nominated…
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Christ Keivom (he/him), is currently pursuing his master's in English Literature from Delhi University. His work has previously appeared in Novus Literary Arts Journal, Mulberry Literary, Monograph Mag,  Farside Review, Spotlong Review, Native Skin to name a few.
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Pulkit Khanna graduated from Kirorimal College, Delhi University (India) with a commerce degree. He is currently studying to be a Chartered Accountant. Since his school days, he had always been intrigued by the stories that people carry with them and how these very stories were capable of altering the lives…
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Sol Kim Cowell is a transmasc Korean writer and local café regular. His work seeks to embolden the whispers of the subconscious and to confront the ghosts of the past, with a view to tell stories that resonate across borders. At his doljanchi, he picked up the pencil, and he hasn't…
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Pam Knapp lives in the UK's rolling countryside of the Sussex Downs. Optimism is her greatest asset. She plans to market it as soon as she can find a promoter. Her writing can be found in Green Ink Poetry, Owl Hollow Press and Sledgehammer Lit, and others. 
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Sharon Waller Knutson is a retired journalist who lives in Arizona. She has published several poetry books including My Grandmother Smokes Chesterfields (Flutter Press 2014,) What the Clairvoyant Doesn’t Say and Trials & Tribulations of Sports Bob (Kelsay Books 2021) and Survivors, Saints and Sinners (Cyberwit 2022.) Her work has also…
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A 2020 graduate of University of St Andrews, Scotland (Biology BSc), Natalie competes on the horse polo and ballroom dancing teams in addition to taking part in golf, sailing and reeling.  Natalie began writing poetry when her mum read Hailstones and Halibut Bones to her at a very young age. …
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Kristin Kozlowski lives and works in the Midwest, US. Some of her work is available online at Lost Balloon, matchbook, Longleaf Review, Pidgeonholes, Cease Cows, and others. Her piece, "Salty Owl", will be included in The Best Small Fictions Anthology 2021. In 2019, she was awarded Editor's Choice from Arkana for her CNF piece, "A Pocket…
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Richard Krause has had three collections of fiction published titled Studies in Insignificance (Livingston Press, 2003), The Horror of the Ordinary (Unsolicited Press, 2019), and Crawl Space & Other Stories of Limited Maneuverability (Unsolicited Press, 2021). He has three collections of epigrams, Optical Biases (EyeCorner Press in Denmark, 2012), Eye Exams (Propertius Press, 2019), and Blind Insights into the Writing Process (Fomite Press,…
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Morgan Lynn Krueger is a graduate of the University of Tulsa, where she was Editor-in-Chief of The Collegian. She currently works at Sneak Peek Books as an editor. When she is not writing, she can be found acting, hiking, and volunteering at the local animal shelter. You can follow Morgan…
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John K. Kruschke has 25 quatrains published as chapter epigraphs, and other poems published in The Tipton Poetry Journal and accepted at The Ryder Magazine. He also published numerous articles in scientific journals on topics ranging across moral psychology, learning theory, and Bayesian statistics. He lives in Bloomington, Indiana.
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Laurie Kuntz’s books are: That Infinite Roar, Gyroscope Press, Talking Me Off The Roof, Kelsay Books, The Moon Over My Mother’s House, Finishing Line Press,  Simple Gestures, Texas Review Press, Women at the Onsen, Blue Light Press, and Somewhere in the Telling, Mellen Press. Simple Gestures, won Texas Review’s  Chapbook Contest, and Women at the Onsen won  Blue Light Press’s Chapbook…
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Hannah Kurien is a born and raised Californian and an avid writer of anything from fiction to current events. Her work is featured in Brown Girl Magazine and Redrosethorns magazine.
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Luis Jefté Lacourt (he/him), born in San Juan, Puerto Rico, is a librarian, illustrator and veteran based in New Jersey, USA. His published works include poetry in Door is a Jar Literary Magazine, Cypress Literary Magazine and HOOT Review (2021), short stories book "El Origen de los Murciélagos y Otros…
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H.A.Laine is a US based writer & poet who has been creating short stories and weaving tapestries of emotional imagery into poetic ‘streams of consciousness’ for well over a decade. She is the author of the new poetry series ‘Alien Translations’ and has had prior poetry published on reputable sites.…
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Jeannie Lam started her writing career typing in size 24 font and neon colours. Currently, she is the Editor-in-Chief for Waves of Words Literary Magazine and the Head of Content for Rewrite the Stars Review. You can find her on instagram @sj_writessss.
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E.P. Lande was born in Montreal, but has lived most of his life in the south of France and Vermont, where he now lives with his partner, writing and caring for more than 100 animals, many of which are rescues. Previously, he taught at l’Université d’Ottawa where he served as…
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Larissa Larson (she/they) is a queer poet who lives in the Twin Cities, works at a used bookstore, explores the many lakes with their partner, and watches scary movies with their cats: Athena and Midas. Their poems have appeared in Welter Online, Sheila-Na-Gig, Kelp Journal, Briar Cliff Review, Cool Beans Lit and forthcoming…
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Rose (she/her) is a writer based in Dublin, Ireland. Rose’s non-fiction work centres on disability rights and accessibility law. Rose’s poetry centres on queer identity and heartbreak.
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Rachel Laverdiere writes, pots and teaches in her little house on the Canadian prairies. She is CNF editor at Barren Magazine and the creator of Hone & Polish Your Writing. Find Rachel's prose in Atlas and Alice, Bending Genres, The Citron Review and other fine journals. In 2020, her CNF…
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Andrea Lawler (she/her/hers) is a poet, short story writer, and crazy cat lady. She holds a degree in English Language & Literature. When not writing about sex or death, you can find her at the local coffee shop. Feel free to follow her on Twitter: @andie_lawler
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Kirk Lawson lives Ulster County, New York, surrounded by the Shawangunk mountains. He enjoys poetry as a creative way to discover meaning in his life, share pearls of daily living and learn from others. He seeks to live more fully through written expression. Kirk is retired, also enjoys volunteer work,…
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Stephen is a writer, artist, and editor based in London and has been published by Darkwinter Lit and Intangible Magazine. His debut stage play, "Can't Wait To Leave", opened in 2023 and will tour the UK in late 2024.
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Francesca Leader is a self-taught, Pushcart-nominated writer originally from Western Montana. She has poetry published or forthcoming in the Sho Poetry Journal, Door is a Jar, Frost Meadow Review, Harpy Hybrid Review, Pluvia Litmag, Roi Fainéant, the Stoneboat Literary Journal, and elsewhere. Her translation of an ancient Japanese poem won…
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Richard LeDue (he/him) lives in Norway House, Manitoba, Canada. He has been published both online and in print. He is the author of ten books of poetry. His latest book, “Sometimes, It Isn't Much,” was released from Alien Buddha Press in February 2024.
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Edward Lee's poetry, short stories, non-fiction and photography have been published in magazines in Ireland, England and America, including The Stinging Fly, Skylight 47, Acumen, The Blue Nib and Poetry Wales. He is currently working on a novel. He also makes musical noise under the names Ayahuasca Collective, Orson Carroll,…
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Joyce Becker Lee received her MFA from Northwestern University, where she was nominated for  The Best New American Voices. Her publishing credits include, among others, The First Line, Cicada, MemoryHouse, Prairies North, Folklore, Escape Into Life, Jerry Jazz Musician, and Chicken Soup for the Soul: The Dog Did That? Her first collection of short stories, Casualties, will be published in 2023 from…
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Wayne Lee (wayneleepoet.com) lives in Santa Fe, NM. Lee's poems have appeared in Tupelo Press, The New Guard, Slipstream, great weather for MEDIA and other journals and anthologies. He was awarded the 2012 Fischer Prize and has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize and three Best of the Net Awards.…
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Angelin Lee is a writer from California who graduated from the University of Michigan. She’s always loved writing and uses her works to express the thoughts she cannot say out loud.
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Grace Lee is a graduate student studying in Alaska with aspirations to write poetry and fantasy novels. Her dreams of becoming a writer have been with her since she was a little girl.
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Rachel León is a writer, editor, and social worker based in Rockford, Illinois. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in Chicago Review of Books, Fiction Writers Review, Entropy, (mac)ro(mic), The Rupture, Necessary Fiction, and elsewhere. She is currently working on a novel.
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Sam Levy is a freelance writer and editor living in Austin, Texas. She received a Master of Liberal Arts with a thesis in poetry writing from St. Edward’s University in 2016 and an MFA in Creative Writing from Southern New Hampshire University in 2023. Her poetry has appeared in Gemini Magazine, Better…
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From the South of England, Kate is a writer/poet and blogger. https://forthosewhoarecurious.com
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Camille Lewis is a writer and avid reader who lives and learns with borderline personality disorder. She can be found indulging in Plath, or crossing off days on a calendar until the next instalment of "A Song of Ice and Fire" series is released. Camille resides in South West England.
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After retiring from a long career as a financial manager, Lori returned to her love of writing. Over the past four years, she attended writing conferences, workshops, and retreats to polish her craft, and last year, she began submitting her work. Two of Lori's creative nonfiction pieces have been published.…
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Helen Lippman is a semi-retired writer based in Montclair, NJ. After a career in medical publishing, she began writing personal essays and travel pieces. Lippman is currently working on a book about little-known events in Newark, where she was born and raised, for The History Press.
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Joan Lisi is a resident of Tucson, and a graduate of The Pennsylvania State University.  She is a published author of a biographical historical novel.  She writes short fiction and is grateful for all the support she has received from the writers groups who have welcomed her in.
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Chris Litsey is a teacher, aspiring poet, and former editor of Indiana University Purdue University Columbus’s literary magazine, Talking Leaves, where you can find a few of his published works. He is a father and a lover of reading, writing, getting tattooed, and exploring museums. He lives in Muncie, Indiana,…
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Russ López is the author of six nonfiction books including The Hub of the Gay Universe: An LGBTQ History of Boston, Provincetown, and Beyond. He is the editor of LatineLit, an online magazine that publishes fiction by and about Latinx people, and his work has appeared in The Fictional Café,…
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Kate E Lore is a writer of both fiction and nonfiction. With many publications in both genres, Kate has been featured in Orsum magazine, and Longridge Review. Originally from Dayton Ohio, Kate is currently earning a master's degree in creative writing from Miami University. Kate got her bachelor's from The…
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Native New Yorker and award-winner, LindaAnn LoSchiavo is a member of British Fantasy Society, HWA, SFPA, and The Dramatists Guild. Books in 2024:  “Always Haunted: Hallowe’en Poems” [Wild Ink], “Apprenticed to the Night” [UniVerse Press], and “Felones de Se: Poems about Suicide” [Ukiyoto]. Accolades: Elgin Award for “A Route Obscure…
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Marion Lougheed grew up in Canada, Benin, Belgium, and Germany. She still isn't sure where to call home. She is a winner of the Prime 53 Poem Summer Challenge (Press 53, 2021) and has been published in several print and online outlets. She holds a professional writing diploma and too…
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Nancy Machlis Rechtman has had poetry and short stories published in Your Daily Poem, Writing In A Woman’s Voice, Grande Dame, Impspired, Discretionary Love, Fresh Words, The Writing Disorder, Young Ravens, and more. Nancy has had poetry, essays, and plays published in various anthologies. She wrote freelance Lifestyle stories for…
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Vanessa Maderer was a young reader turned editor, writer, and finally enthusiastic poet who has recently debuted her first chapbook entitled, 'Cusp of Dusk' after a decade of revision. Now, she has an insatiable appetite for new ideas and themes, and can be found most easily through Twitter at @MadererV.
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Sabina Malik is an author of short fiction. Originally born in the States and raised in Canada, she leads a nomadic life, writing stories in airports, buses, and hotel rooms around the world. Her most recent fiction credits include Dark Horses and Flash Fiction Magazine. You can find her on…
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Kim Malinowski is a lover of words. Her collection “Home” was published by Kelsay Books and her verse novel “Phantom Reflection” was published by Silver Bow Publishing. Her book “Clutching Narcissus” is retired. Her chapbook “Death: A Love Story” was published by Flutter Press. She has two forthcoming books. She…
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Lance Manion is the author of twelve collections of flash fiction, the most recent of which, The Forest of Stone, was published in January. His stories have appeared in 50+ publications and have been included in over a dozen anthologies. He has been posting daily stories on his website since…
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DS Maolalai has been described by one editor as "a cosmopolitan poet" and another as "prolific, bordering on incontinent". His work has nominated twelve times for Best of the Net, ten for the Pushcart and once for the Forward Prize, and has been released in three collections; "Love is Breaking…
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Mari-Carmen Marín was born in Málaga, Spain, but moved to Houston, TX, in 2003, where she has found her second home. She is a professor of English at Lone Star College—Tomball, and enjoys dancing, drawing, reading, and writing poetry in her spare time. Writing poetry is her comfy chair in…
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Mia Marion is a poet and writer currently based in New York. Her work has been published in Thimble Literary Magazine, eMerge Magazine, and the Metropolitan Diary section of the New York Times. She holds a B.A. in English Literature from the University of Pennsylvania.
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Amy Marques grew up between languages and places and learned, from an early age, the multiplicity of narratives. She penned children’s books, barely read medical papers, and numerous letters before turning to short fiction and visual poetry. She is a Pushcart Prize, Best Small Fictions, and Best of the Net nominee and…
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Cole Martin is a twenty-something writer from Atlantic Canada. He has words in Canadian Stories Magazine, healthline zine, Fahmidan Journal, Rejection Letters, and Bulb Culture Collective. He can be found on twitter @maritimemagnate, and on Substack (asilaytrying.substack.com)
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Todd Matson is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist in North Carolina, United States.  His poetry has been published in The Journal of Pastoral Care and Counseling; Soul-Lit: A Journal of Spiritual Poetry; The Clayjar Review, Agape Review and Mindfull Magazine, and his short stories have been published in Ariel…
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John Maurer is a 26-year-old writer from Pittsburgh that writes fiction, poetry, and everything in-between, but their work always strives to portray that what is true is beautiful. They have been previously published in Claudius Speaks, The Bitchin' Kitsch, Thought Catalog, and more than eighty others. @JohnPMaurer (johnpmaurer.com)
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Bob McAfee is a retired software consultant who lives with his wife near Boston. He has written eight books of poetry. In love for almost sixty years, he is vastly experienced, perhaps even vested in its practice. For the last several years he has hosted a Wednesday night Zoom poetry workshop.…
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Peter’s writing blurs the boundary between novel and short story collection; it builds layers of characterisation through linked pieces that result in profound moments of self-realisation and/or dramatic action. He was recently shortlisted in the Hammond House International Literary Prize and the Ironclad Creative Awards. His short stories and poems…
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Brendan McBreen is a poet and artist from Western Washington. Cats, dreams, and bacon fill their time, along with wildflowers, unusual rocks and bad puns.
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Robert McCarthy is a writer living in New York City. His poetry has been published in Orbis, The Alchemy Spoon, Argle Literary Journal, Ice Floe Press, and others.
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Desiree McCullough is a creative writing graduate student and freelancer. In cold weather, she's the person who wears gloves but constantly takes them off because she can't do anything while wearing them. She and her family live in the Walla Walla Valley of southeastern Washington state. Find out more about…
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MATT McGEE writes short fiction in the Los Angeles area. A six-time Pushcart nominee, in 2022 his work has appeared in Red Penguin Press, Sweetycat Press and Paramour Ink. When not typing he drives around in rented cars, plays goalie in local hockey leagues and sneaks sandwiches to neighborhood dogs.
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Matt McGuirk teaches and lives with his family in New Hampshire. BOTN 2021 nominee with words in various lit mags and a debut collection with Alien Buddha Press called Daydreams, Obsessions, Realities available on Amazon and linked on his website.  Website: http://linktr.ee/McGuirkMatthew
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Joan McNerney’s poetry is found in many literary magazines such as Seven Circle Press, Dinner with the Muse, Poet Warriors, Blueline, and Halcyon Days.  Four Bright Hills Press Anthologies, several Poppy Road Journals, and numerous Poets' Espresso Reviews have accepted her work.  She has four Best of the Net nominations. …
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 Stephen Mead is an Outsider multi-media artist and writer.  Since the 1990s he’s been grateful to many editors for publishing his work in print zines and eventually online.  Recently his work has appeared in CROW NAME, WORDPEACE and DuckuckMongoose. Currently he is resident artist/curator for The Chroma Museum, artistic renderings of…
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Jason Melvin is a father, husband, grandfather, high school soccer coach, and metals processing center supervisor, who lives just north of Pittsburgh. Most of his poems come to him while riding his lawnmower around the yard. His work has recently appeared in The Beatnik Cowboy, Olney, Rat's Ass Review, Bombfire, Front Porch Review,…
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Fred Miller is a California writer. Over ninety of his stories and poems have appeared in publications around the world over the past ten years. Many may be found on his blog: https://pookah1943.wordpress.com
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Lauren Miller is an emerging fiction writer and poet. Her work has previously appeared in The Kiosk Magazine. She recently graduated from the University of Kansas with a degree in Creative Writing.
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Edward Miller teaches writing at Madera College. Included among his areas of interest are outsider art, street photography, and the American vernacular. His work has lately appeared in The Muleskinner Journal, The Vignette Review, and The Chagrin River Review.
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David Milley has written and published since the 1970s. His work has appeared in Painted Bride Quarterly, Bay Windows, RFD, Friends Journal, and Feral. David lives in southern New Jersey with his husband and partner of forty-five years, Warren Davy, who's made his living as a farmer, woodcutter, nurseryman, auctioneer, beekeeper, and cook. These days,…
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R. B. Miner is a New York City native, Army veteran, and occupational dilettante. His stories have appeared or are forthcoming in Rock and a Hard Place Magazine, Soliloquies Anthology, and Bullshit Lit. He lives in Kansas City with his wife, daughter, and dog.
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Caroline Misner’s work has appeared in numerous publications in the USA, Canada, India and the UK.  She lives in the beautiful Haliburton Highlands of Northern Ontario where she continues to draw inspiration for her work.  She is the author of the Young Adult fantasy series “The Daughters of Eldox”.  Her…
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Mark J. Mitchell  has been a working poet for 50 years. He’s the author of five full-length collections, and six chapbooks. His latest collection is Something To Be from Pski’s Porch Publishing. A novel that includes some poetry, A Book of Lost Songs is due out next Spring. He’s fond…
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Sam Moe is the author of Cicatrizing the Daughters (FlowerSong Press, Winter 2024), Grief Birds (BS Lit, 2023), Heart Weeds (Alien Buddha Press 2022), and the chapbook Animal Heart (Harvard Square Press 2024). Her short story collection, I Might Trust You is forthcoming from Experiments in Fiction (Winter 2024). She has been accepted to the Sewanee Writers’ Conference (2024) and…
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Ralph Monday is a Professor of English at RSCC in Harriman, TN. Hundreds of poems published. Books: All American Girl and Other Poems, 2014. Empty Houses and American Renditions, 2015. Narcissus the Sorcerer, 2015. Bergman's Island & Other Poems, 2021, and a humanities text, 2018. Twitter @RalphMonday Poets&Writers https://www.pw.org/directory/writers/ralph_monday
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Taylor Moore (she/her) still considers herself attached to her tiny hometown of Leesville, Louisiana, much to the dismay of the less-than-queer population. Now living in Orlando, Florida, she processes the survival racism her mother, a Korean immigrant, instilled in her through playing League of Legends and writing Korean fantasy novels. Taylor…
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Jon Moray has been writing short stories for over a decade and his work has appeared in many online and print markets. When not working and being a devoted family man, he enjoys sports, music, the ocean, and SCI-FI/Fantasy media. More of his work can be found at moraywrites.com. 
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Cecil Morris has been nominated for a Pushcart in 2021, 2022, and 2023. He has poems appearing or forthcoming in The Ekphrastic Review, Hole in the Head Review, New Verse News, Rust + Moth, Sugar House Review, and elsewhere. A retired high school English teacher, he now tries writing himself what he spent so…
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Brenda is a poet and visual artist from Virginia.  Her work has been published in Wingless Dreamer, Bewildering Stories, Down in the Dirt, Ariel Chart, Neo Poet, Discretionary Love, Corporeal, Heart and Mind, Edge of Humanity, Poetry Pacific, New Myths Journals and Eber and Wein Anthology.
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Kelly Moyer can often be found wandering the mountains of North Carolina, where she resides with her husband and two philosopher kittens, Simone and Jean-Paul.
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Beth Mulcahy (she/her) is a Pushcart Prize-nominated poet and writer whose work has appeared in various journals, including Full House Literary and Roi Faineant Press. Her writing bridges the gaps between generations and self, hurt and healing. Beth lives in Ohio with her husband and two children and works for…
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Sheila E. Murphy. Murphy’s most recent books are Permission to Relax (BlazeVOX Books, 2023) October Sequence: Sections 1-51 (mOnocle-Lash Anti-Press, 2023), and Sostenuto (Luna Bisonte Prods (2023). Murphy is the recipient of the Gertrude Stein Award for her book Letters to Unfinished J. (Green Integer Press, 2003). Murphy's book titled Reporting Live from You Know Where (2018) won the Hay(na)Ku Poetry Book Prize…
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Eryn Murphy is a journalist and emerging poet based in North Carolina. As a journalist, she has contributed thousands of articles to multiple publications, and her poetry and prose has been published in The New Verse News and The Drabble. Her portfolio can be viewed on her website www.erynmurphywriter.com, and she can be found on…
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Abigail Myers writes poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction on Long Island, New York. Her fiction has recently appeared in Milk Candy Review (Best Small Fictions 2024 nomination), Major 7th, Rejection Letters, Roi Fainéant, and Cowboy Jamboree Press’s MOTEL anthology, and is forthcoming from JMWW. Her creative nonfiction has recently appeared in Variant Literature (Best Spiritual Literature 2024 nomination), Phoebe, Pensive, Tiny Molecules, The…
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Ben Nardolilli is currently an MFA candidate at Long Island University. His work has appeared in Perigee Magazine, Red Fez, SLAB, Quail Bell Magazine, Elimae, The Northampton Review, Door Is A Jar Literary Magazine, The Minetta Review, and Yes Poetry. Follow his publishing journey at  http://mirrorsponge.blogspot.com.
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Johanna Nauraine has been a serious student of fiction and poetry for decades. Her work has been published in Bright Flash Literary Review, Bristol Noir, ASP Publishing, Vol. 11, Witcraft and she has forthcoming publications in The Pure Slush Anthology on Loss, Vol. 9 and The Stray Branch, Winter, 2024.…
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KG Newman is a sportswriter who covers the Broncos and Rockies for The Denver Post. His first three collections of poems are available on Amazon and he has been published in dozens of literary journals worldwide. The Arizona State University alum is on Twitter @KyleNewmanDP and more info and writing…
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Aimee Nicole is a chronically ill, queer poet currently residing in Rhode Island. She holds a BFA in Creative Writing from Roger Williams University and has been published by various lit mags. Her first collection Daily Worship is forthcoming from Laughing Ronin Press January 2022. Feel free to follow her on Instagram @aimeenicole525 for awkward…
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Jan Niebrzydowski is the author of the historical Madeline Donovan mystery series featuring sleuth Madeline and her friends adventuring through complicated murder mysteries to find the truth. She recently completed the eleventh book in the series. She is also a poetry contributor to Pomona Valley Review, Creations Magazine, and Voices…
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Retired after four decades' prizewinning print and broadcast journalism in Hartford CT, Don Noel received his MFA in Creative Writing from Fairfield University in 2013, at age 80. He has since published more than 100 short stories.
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Brayden Norris is a 27 year old poet from New Zealand, living in the UK. He has studied, Philosophy, History and Creative Writing, and was previously published in Recesses 'ZIne and Miniskirt Magazine, with other publications upcoming.
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HK Novielli is a Midwesterner living in Texas. Writing is something she dreamed of in childhood but didn’t pursue until well into adulthood. It turns out, she thoroughly enjoys writing more than anything else, except maybe coffee and reading. HKNovielli.com
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Cheryl S. Ntumy is a Ghanaian writer based in Botswana. She writes novels and short stories in various genres, including speculative fiction, YA and romance. She is a director of Petlo Literary Arts, a company that promotes Botswana literature and publishes the Petlwana Journal of Creative Writing. Her work has…
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Jay Nunnery is a writer, teacher, and musician, who calls many places home: Wisconsin, New York, Louisiana, and California.  Recently, he completed his short story collection, Alms, Louisiana, a collection of twenty-one, interconnected stories.  Currently, he is working on a screenplay called The Circuses when he is not teaching high schoolers or making music. 
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Don O’Cull is a father and teacher who writes surprisingly often in St Petersburg, FL. His work has appeared in Don’t Talk to me About Love, Versification, Cabinet of Heed, Mad Swirl, Agony Opera, and forthcoming in NiftyLit.
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Emily O'Kane is a writer in New York City. She is neither a morning person nor a night person.
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Andrew O'Kelley uses an old laptop to arrange words in the best order he can manage. Having tried similar feats with photography, woodworking and guitar, his results may vary. He does all this in Minnesota. His stories have appeared in Emerge Literary Journal, Eastern Iowa Review, Vines Leaves Literary Journal,…
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Olusoji Obebe is a law student at the University of Benin, a Nigerian creative writer & a poetry reader at Fiery Scribe Review. He's a 2x BoTN nominee, 2nd Runner-up of Poetically Written Prose 2022, 3rd Prize Winner of African Human Rights Short Story Competition 2023 and Winner of Fidelis…
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Josh Pampam is a Hairstylist who fell in love with poetry after his High school days and writes it in his leisure time. He's from Ota, in Ogun State, Nigeria. His poems have been featured in many magazines like Cathartic lit, Spillwords, Praxis online magazine, Writers Space lit mag, etc.…
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Anaum Pandit identifies herself with pronouns she/her and is a child of conflict. Having spent most of her life in kashmir which is UN recognized disputed territory. Writing as helped her live through grim days when horrible news go all around. She wants to work with children in other war…
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Dylan Parkin (he/him) is an autistic creative currently based in Reading, UK. He can be found on Twitter @parkin1901.
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Jay Parr lives with his partner and child in Greensboro, NC, where he's a lecturer in the nontraditional Humanities program at UNCG. He owes thanks to Diya Abdo, Rana Israili, and other readers for helping him check his white-male privilege, to Kaya for inspiring this character, to Greg Minnig for…
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Mandira Pattnaik is the author of collections "Anatomy of a Storm-Weathered Quaint Townspeople" (2022, Fahmidan Publishing, Poetry), "Girls Who Don't Cry" (2023, Alien Buddha Press, Flash Fiction) and "Where We Set Our Easel" (May 2023, Stanchion Publishing, Novellain-Flash). Mandira's work has appeared in The McNeese Review, Penn Review, Quarterly West,…
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Roger Patulny is a Sydney based academic, writer and poet, and is the Chief Editor for Authora Australis. He has published fiction and poetry in numerous outlets including The Suburban Review, Cordite, Poets Corner InDaily, Dwell Time, The Rye Whisky Review, the Mark Literary Review, and Silver Birch Press. Twitter - @rpatulny Excerpts and links to my published creative works can…
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Mary Paulson's writing has appeared in Slow Trains, Mainstreet Rag, Painted Bride Quarterly, Nerve Cowboy, Arkana, Thimble Lit Magazine, Tipton Poetry Journal, The Metaworker Literary Magazine, Months to Years, Speckled Trout Review, Fleas on the Dog, Chronogram, Swamp Ape Review, Pine Hills Review and Backchannels. Her chapbook, Paint the Window Open was published by Kelsay Books in 2021. She resides in Naples, Florida.
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Andre F. Peltier (he/him) is a Lecturer III at Eastern Michigan University where he teaches literature and writing. He lives in Ypsilanti, MI, with his wife and children. His poetry has recently appeared in various publications like CP Quarterly, Lothlorien Poetry Journal, Version 9 Magazine, About Place, Novus Review, Wingless…
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E. Martin Pedersen, originally from San Francisco, has lived for over 40 years in eastern Sicily, where he taught English at the local university. His poetry appeared most recently in Ginosko, Metaworker, Triggerfish, Unlikely Stories Mark V, and Grey Sparrow Review among others. Martin is an alumnus of the Community…
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A native New Yorker, James Penha  (he/him🌈) has lived for the past three decades in Indonesia. Nominated for Pushcart Prizes in fiction and poetry, his work is widely published in journals and anthologies. His newest chapbook of poems, American Daguerreotypes, is available for Kindle. His essays have appeared in The New York Daily News and The New…
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Christopher Phelps is a queer, neurodivergent poet living in Santa Fe where he tutors himself and others math and letteral arts. He is searching for others who believe poetry can be equal parts vulnerable and subversive. His poems have appeared in Beloit Poetry Journal, The Kenyon Review, The Nation, Palette Poetry, Poetry Magazine, and Zoeglossia. A chapbook, Tremblem, was semi-privately…
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Katherine Pierpont is a writer masquerading as a PhD candidate in medieval history. She has a previous publication in Storgy Magazine and a forthcoming book on medieval sexuality. She can often be found crafting, puzzling, or agonizing over writing in her Minneapolis apartment, where she lives with her partner, their…
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D.J. Pileggi is a father and a writer. He has been paid both to dose antibiotics for septic shock, as well as install cast iron plumbing at Harvard University, in that order. He grew up outside of Chicago, has lived on both coasts, and currently resides in Massachusetts.
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Blanka Pillár is a seventeen-year-old writer from Budapest, Hungary. She has a never-ending love for creating and an ever-lasting passion for learning. She has won several national competitions and has been an editor-in-chief of her high school’s prestigious newspaper, Eötvös Diák. Today, she is not throwing away her shot.
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I. Pineda (they/them) is a language artist occupied with sensuality, touch, and communication. They find joy in capturing moments shared in the space between people through visceral freeform poetry.
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Charlotte Amelia Poe (they/them) is an autistic nonbinary author from England. Their first book, How To Be Autistic, was published in 2019. Their debut novel, The Language Of Dead Flowers, was published in September 2022. Their second novel, Ghost Towns, was self published in 2023. Their second memoir, (currently untitled),…
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Pop is a French student who has just completed an MA in Creative Writing at the University of Sheffield. She mostly writes poetry, short stories and the occasional piece of creative non-fiction. Her main themes are mental health and relationships, nature, self and idenity. You can find her on Instagram…
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Lala Pop is a PhD student in New York. Her stories started in Romanian while growing up in a small borderland town in Transylvania, and they continue in English in the in-betweenness of multiple homelands. Connect with Lala @backpocket_moments on Instagram.
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Damien Posterino (he/him) is a Melbourne-born, London-based poet who recently spent 18 months writing in Mexico. He explores characters, conversations, and capturing moments in time. His work can be seen in over 30 different publications including A Thin Slice of Anxiety, Roi Fainéant Press, Fish Barrel Review, and The Madrigal. You can…
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John RC Potter is an international educator from Canada, living in Istanbul.  He has experienced a revolution (Indonesia), air strikes (Israel), earthquakes (Turkey), boredom (UAE), and blinding snow blizzards (Canada), the last being the subject of his story, “Snowbound in the House of God” (Memoirist). His poems, stories, essays, and reviews…
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Keith J. Powell's work has appeared in Dramatics magazine, Playscripts, Inc., Able Muse, and elsewhere. He holds an MFA in Creative Writing from the University of San Francisco. In addition to writing plays and short fiction, he is a founding editor of Your Impossible Voice. He occasionally tweets @KeithJ_Powell.
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Diana Raab, PhD, is an award-winning memoirist, poet, blogger, speaker, and author of 10 books and is a contributor to numerous journals and anthologies. Her two latest books are, "Writing for Bliss: A Seven-Step Plan for Telling Your Story and Transforming Your Life," and "Writing for Bliss: A Companion Journal."…
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I.B. Rad is a widely published Dallas Texas poet who thinks the form of a poem should follow its function. No one form is the "correct" way to write.
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Jody Rae's work appears in The Babel Tower Notice Board, The Avalon Literary Review, The Good Life Review, and Red Fez. Her short story, "Beautiful Mother" was a finalist in the Phoebe Journal 2021 Spring Fiction Contest. She was the first prize winner of the 2019 Winning Writers Wergle Flomp…
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Rod Raglin is a Canadian journalist, photographer and self-published author of 13 novels, two plays and a collection of short stories. His short fiction and poetry has been published in several online publications and aired nationally on CBC radio. He’s been a prize winner in Vancouver West End Writers’ Poetry…
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Ankit Raj is a former software engineer and rock band frontman from Chapra, Bihar, India. He teaches English at Government College Gharaunda, Karnal and is a PhD candidate at the Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee. Ankit's research articles have appeared in Critique: Studies in Contemporary Fiction (Routledge), ANQ (Routledge) and The…
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V. S. Ramstack is a Pisces, a selective extrovert, and an avid crier. Besides poetry, she enjoys cats, flowers, and checking out too many books at the library. She received her MFA from Columbia College Chicago. Previous work can be found in Curator Magazine, Posit, Anti-Heroin Chic, and elsewhere.
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A line connecting my homes would be a scribble in the Pacific Northwest, a straight line to Albuquerque, and then east to Providence, as if someone were nudged but salvaged a checkmark.
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Caroline Reigel’s poetry can be found in Last Leaves Magazine, Summit Avenue Review, and Papeachu Review. Her creative nonfiction last appeared in Summit Avenue Review and Proof The Zine. Caroline’s writing captures quiet moments and the visceral experience of being human. She writes from Minnesota, where she lives with her partner and their two perfect pugs.…
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Allison Renner is an editor for Flash Fiction Magazine and the Publicity & Reviews Manager for Split/Lip Press. Her fiction and photography has appeared in or is forthcoming from The Daily Drunk, Six Sentences, Rejection Letters, Versification, Thimble Literary Magazine, FERAL, and vulnerary magazine. She can be found online at…
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Timothy Resau’s Prose & Poetry have recently appeared internationally in Superpresent, The Poet, The Decadent Review, Green Ink Poetry, Red Wolf Editions, e.ratio, The Sparrow’s Trombone, Better than Starbucks,  Fictional Café, Poetry Quarterly, BlazeVOX, Ephemeral Elegies, The Metaworker, KGB Bar Literary Journal, among others, and is forthcoming in Origami Press, Soul-Lit, Abstract Magazine, and Poetica. Find him at www.words-by-tim.com.
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Royal Rhodes is a poet who has been writing poetry and essays for the past sixty years. His poems have appeared in numerous journals in the US, UK, Canada, and Ireland. A broadsheet of his poem "Solstice" was recently printed on a hand-letterpress by The Catbird [on the Yadkin] Press…
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Silvy Rianingrum is a Franz Kafka nerd currently working on a Kafka-centric reading club, Kaven. She is a polygamist reader who loves writing. She teaches English as a second & foreign language. Instagram: @silvyngrm // @svaparesi
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M Patrick Riggin is a Pittsburgh born writer, artist and musician.  While attending college for journalism and history, he worked as a musician and painter.  His work has been featured in several publications and he continues to evolve his form and function of artistic expression.  To follow him on his artistic journey,…
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Ramzi Albert Rihani is a Lebanese American writer. His poems have appeared in several publications in the US, Canada, UK, Ireland, South Africa, India, and China, including Lothlorien Poetry Journal, Indelible Literature and Arts Journal, ArLiJo, Poetic Sun, Last Leaves Magazine, Cacti Fur Journal, Poetry Potion, Impspired, Flora Fiction, Ephemeral Elegies,…
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James Roach (he/him) is most creative between the hours of up-too-late and is it even worth going to bed? He dug up his midwest roots to live in Olympia, Wa., not too far from some sleepy volcanoes and beaches to write home about.
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Ian Douglas Robertson is a graduate of Trinity College Dublin. He lives and works in Athens, Greece, as a teacher, actor and translator. He has had a number of poems and short stories published in online and print magazines as well as three books of non-fiction in collaboration with his…
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Sarah Robin is a new writer from Bolton, England, starting her writing journey during the coronavirus pandemic. Robin has had several pieces of work published in anthologies and online literary magazines as well as being a competition winner for both short fiction and poetry. She is also a prose reader…
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Emma Grey Rose is a writer based in San Diego, CA. Her work has appeared in Passenger's Journal, Pinky Thinker Press, Prairie Home Magazine, Bear Paw Arts Journal, Ranger Magazine, Panorama Journal, and elsewhere.
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Erik Roth received a B.A. in English from Colgate University and a M.Ed. from Rutgers. He currently lives in northern New Jersey with his two children. A former recipient of a poetry writing scholarship from the Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation, his work has most recently appeared in spring 2023’s Issue…
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Ali Rowland lives in Northumberland, UK. Sometimes she writes about her own mental health disability, but just as often about the world in general. After being published in over fifty magazines and on websites, and winning two poetry competitions, she is coming dangerously close to regarding herself as an author.
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Li Ruan, born and raised in Beijing, China, is a Manhattan-based educational consultant and emerging immigrant poet and writer. She felt a special calling to write later in life during the COVID pandemic. Crafting in English has deepened her intimate connection to the language and empowered her to promote cultural…
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On weekend mornings Christopher will watch soccer on the Spanish television station or go for a long bike ride through the Sonoran Desert. His work has appeared in Sky Island Journal, Inverted Syntax and will appear in the upcoming Clockhouse Review. He was nominated for a Pushcart and Best of…
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Anthony is a mixed-race poet & writer who has spent most of his life in Kuwait jostling between the UK & America. Anthony's work has been published in The Radius, Sledgehammer Lit, Moonchild Magazine and Acropolis Journal amongst others. Anthony has 2 published chapbooks titled 'The Great Northern Journey' 2020…
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Aaron Sandberg has appeared or is forthcoming in Asimov's, No Contact, Alien Magazine, The Shore, The Offing, Sporklet, Right Hand Pointing, Halfway Down the Stairs, Crow & Cross Keys, Burningword Journal, Whale Road Review, and elsewhere. A Pushcart and Best of the Net nominee, you can see him—and his poetry…
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Varsha Sanjay Pragash is a teen girl from the south of India, with a loving home. She loves to do poetry whenever and wherever. She is committed to learning the art of life in the magic of poetry. She hopes to find love in this regard.
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Don Santiago was a born and raised in Canada, and is now living in Arizona. He has been published both as a photographer and a writer. Currently, he’s working on a screenplay and a novel. Here is a link to his portfolio, https://donmsantiago.journoportfolio.com/
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Carla Sarett is a poet and novelist based in San Francisco.  Her work has been nominated for Best American Essays, Best of Net, and the Pushcart. She Has Visions, her debut full-length collection, is published by Main Street Rag.  Her newest chapbook, My Family Was Like a Russian Novel, is out from…
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Kelly Sargent is a Vermont author and artist whose works, including a Best of the Net nominee, have appeared in more than forty literary publications in the U.S. and abroad. She is the author of Seeing Voices: Poetry in Motion (Kelsay Books, 2022), also a finalist in the Cordella Press…
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Poet and aphorist Gerard Sarnat is widely published internationally in print and online. He has been nominated for the pending Science Fiction Poetry Association Dwarf Star Award, won San Francisco Poetry’s 2020 Contest, the Poetry in the Arts First Place Award plus the Dorfman Prize, and has been nominated for…
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Marissa is a lifelong writer, relationship coach, and mental health professional. She loves writing and talking about wellness, relationships, fiction, poetry, and spirituality. She believes that balancing emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual wellbeing is the foundational truth to freedom and growth in love and life.
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I teach Sanskrit and Vedic philosophy at university level in Iowa. I have published several poems in online journals, the latest being Mulberry Literary and Literary Yard, and my nonfiction book, An Antidote to Violence: Evaluating the Evidence, was published in 2020 by Changemakers Books. It was the #1 bestselling…
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Ralph James Savarese is the author of three books of poetry. In December his fourth, Never Make Them Cry: Classrooms and Coffins, will be published by Ice Cube Press.
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Slawka G. Scarso has published several books on wine in Italy and works as a copywriter and translator. Her short fiction has appeared in Mslexia, Ellipsis Zine, Entropy, Spelk and others. She is based between Rome and Milan. She tweets as @nanopausa. More of her words on www.nanopausa.com
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Shane Schick has had poems published in the U.S., the U.S., Canada, India and Africa. He lives with his wife and three children in Whitby, Ont. More: ShaneSchick.com. Twitter/X:@ShaneSchick
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Kurt Schmidt's essays and memoirs have appeared in The Boston Globe Magazine, Bacopa Literary Review, The Ravens Perch, Grown and Flown, Oyster River Pages, The Good Men Project, Eclectica Magazine, Snapdragon, and the 'Adelaide Literary Awards Anthology.' He also authored the novel 'Annapolis Misfit' (Crown Publishers). He lives with his…
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Jen Schneider is an educator who lives, writes, and works in small spaces throughout Pennsylvania. She is a Best of the Net nominee, with stories, poems, and essays published in a wide variety of literary and scholarly journals. She is the author of Invisible Ink (Toho Pub), On Daily Puzzles: (Un)locking Invisibility (forthcoming, Moonstone Press),…
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Daren Schuettpelz lives in Germany, with his family and two cats, where he teaches Language Arts to military-connected high school students. His work has appeared in The Birdseed, for which he was nominated for the Pushcart Award, and Beyond Words Literary Magazine, The Evening Street Review, The Viridian Door, Spare…
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Nina Schuyler's award-winning short story collection, In this Ravishing World, will be published in 2024. Her novel, Afterword, will be published in 2023.
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Filmmaker and photographer Carla Schwartz's poems have been widely published and anthologized, including in The Practicing Poet (Diane Lockward, Ed),  and in her second collection, Intimacy with the Wind, (Finishing Line, 2017). Her CB99videos youtube channel has 2,400,000+ views. Learn more at  carlapoet.com, wakewiththesun.blogspot.com, or find her on YouTube, Twitter,…
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Izzy Searle (she/her) is a freelance writer with a First-Class degree in English and Creative Writing from Warwick University. Her writing is featured on the International Network of Italian Theatre and she has a poetry anthology in the process of publication. In her spare time, Izzy loves to hike and…
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Nolo Segundo, pen name of L.j. Carber, 76, has had poems published in the past 6 years in almost 150 literary journals in 12 countries; and a trade publisher has released 3 book length collections: The Enormity of Existence [2020]; Of Ether and Earth [2021]; and Soul Songs [2022]. Nominated…
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Donald Sellitti honed his writing skills as a scientist/educator at a Federal medical school in Bethesda, MD before turning to poetry following his retirement. Numerous publications in journals with titles such as Cancer Research and Oncology Letters have been followed by publications in journals with titles like The Alchemy Spoon,…
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Karlo Sevilla of Quezon City, Philippines is the author of the poetry collections "Metro Manila Mammal" (Soma Publishing, 2018) and "Outsourced! . . ." (Revolt Magazine, 2021). Recognized among the Best of Kitaab 2018, shortlisted for the Oxford Brookes International Poetry Competition 2021, and thrice nominated for the Best of…
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Yash Seyedbagheri is a graduate of Colorado State University's MFA program in fiction. His stories, "Soon,"  "How To Be A Good Episcopalian," and "Tales From A Communion Line," were nominated for Pushcarts. Yash's work  has been published in SmokeLong Quarterly, The Journal of Compressed Creative Arts, Write City Magazine, and Ariel Chart,…
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Brandon Shane is an alum of California State University, Long Beach, where he majored in English. He's pursuing an MFA while working as a writing instructor and substitute teacher. You can see his work in Acropolis Journal, Grim & Gilded, All Existing Magazine, Bitterleaf Books, Remington Review, Salmon Creek Journal, BarBar Literary Magazine, Discretionary Love, among others. Find him on…
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Mike Sharlow is from La Crosse, Wisconsin, a small city on the banks of the Mississippi. In 2020 he moved to the Phoenix metro area in Arizona. His novel Welcome to the Ranks of the Enchanted is included in the William Charvat Special American Fiction Collections at the Ohio State University. He…
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Shailja Sharma (Ph.D.), USA, is a mental health provider and a multilingual author. Apart from scholarly publication and editorial service, her literary writings have been nationally and internationally published.  She is currently serving on the editing panel of a UK-based journal of poetry and artwork. Dr. Sharma's publications have appeared…
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Susan Shea was raised in New York City, and now lives in a forest in Pennsylvania.  In the past year, she made the full-time transition from school psychologist to poet. In that time, more than one hundred of her poems have been accepted for publication by places that include:   Invisible…
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Janelle Sheetz lives with her husband and their son in the Pittsburgh area, balancing a job in the closed-captioning industry with freelance writing. Her work can be found in Paste, HerStry, Ms. magazine, and more.
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John Sheirer lives in Western Massachusetts and teaches at Asnuntuck Community College in Northern Connecticut. His work has appeared in Flash Boulevard, San Antonio Review, WordPeace, Five Minutes, Iceblink, Fiction on the Web, Wilderness House Literary Review, Meat for Tea, Poppy Road Review, Synkroniciti, 10 By 10 Flash Fiction, Scribes*MICRO*Fiction,…
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Rose Shrader is a part-time Lecturer at Indiana State University, teaching freshman composition classes. She is currently working on a memoir that focuses on her life before and after a car accident in 2002 that resulted in complete paralysis from the chest down. And while much of her writing does…
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Johnpaul Simiyu is a 26-year-old Kenyan author, journalist, poet and teacher. He holds a bachelors degree in Education (English and Literature majors). His main inspiration is the works of Sylvia Plath, Ocean Vuong, and and Pablo Neruda.
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Mary Simmons is a queer poet from Cleveland, Ohio. She is an MFA candidate at Bowling Green State University, where she also serves as an assistant editor for Mid-American Review. She has work in or forthcoming from Exist Otherwise, The Santa Clara Review, The Shore, One Art, and others.
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Henry Simpson is the author of several novels, short stories, and works of nonfiction on technical subjects. He studied engineering, did graduate work in English and Psychology, and holds a PhD from UC Santa Barbara. He lives in Monterey, California.
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Priscilla Sirrih is an emerging poet from Bamenda, Cameroon and was born and raised in Houston, Texas. She graduated from the University of Houston with her Bachelor's of Arts degree in English. Currently, she enjoys writing poetry which incorporates her love and faith in Jesus Christ as new opportunities come…
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Heidi Slettedahl is an academic and a US-UK dual national who goes by a slightly different name professionally. She is hoping to live up to her potential now that she is over 50. She has been published in a variety of online literary journals.
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 I studied creative writing, and specifically poetry, in The University Of Iowa Writers Workshop MFA program under Pulitzer Prize poet Donald Justice, Marvin Bell, Stephen Dobyns and Sandra McPerson.
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Cheryl Snell’s books include several poetry collections and the novels of Bombay Trilogy. Her most recent writing appeared in 100 Word Story, Does It Have Pockets? Switch, Your Impossible Voice, and other journals. She has work in several anthologies including a Best of the Net, and been nominated nine times for the Pushcart, Best…
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Patty Somlo’s most recent book, Hairway to Heaven Stories (Cherry Castle Publishing) was a Finalist in the American Fiction Awards and Best Book Awards. Previous books, The First to Disappear (Spuyten Duyvil) and Even When Trapped Behind Clouds: A Memoir of Quiet Grace (WiDo Publishing), were Finalists in several contests. Her work has appeared in Guernica, Delmarva…
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Brianne Sommerville writes news releases and speeches by day, poetry and fiction by night. Brianne studied English Literature at Queen's University before entering the world of public relations. She is currently working towards a certificate in creative writing with the University of Toronto. Brianne lives in King with her partner…
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Joe Sonnenblick has been featured in such print and electronic publications as Fleas on The Dog, Impspired, Aji, The Beatnik Cowboy, SCAB Literary Arts Journal, Citizen Brooklyn, The broadkill review, Spectra Poets for their inaugural issue,  In Parentheses. Joe has also been featured in Stella Samuel's 2021 anthology of American poetry through Arzono Press. Joe has…
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Beth Spencer currently lives in Minneapolis, MN, loves travel, and is a notable example of the persistence of hope over experience. She has been messing about with poetry since fifth grade when she won a "Why I Like to Read Good Books" contest by submitting her essay in poetic form.
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Jillian wants to live in a world where the coffee is bottomless and the sweatpants are mandatory. She spends her days crafting creative copy for clients in numerous industries and is known for her work in Children's Programming. Her poetry and creative nonfiction essays have been featured in Remington Review,…
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John L. Stanizzi is the author of Ecstasy Among Ghosts, Sleepwalking, Dance Against the Wall, After the Bell, Hallelujah Time!, High Tide – Ebb Tide, Four Bits, Chants, Sundowning, POND, The Tree That Lights The Way Home,  Feathers and Bones. Viper Brain, and SEE.Besides Discretionary Love, John’s work has been widely published -- Rattle, Prairie Schooner, The Cortland Review, American Life in Poetry, The New York Quarterly, Paterson Literary Review, Tar River Review, PoetLore,…
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John Steckley is a retired college professor.  He taught Sociology, Physical Anthropology. and Indigenous Studies and wrote the textbooks for all three courses.  His primary area of research is the language, culture and history of the Wendat/Wyandot people.  Since retiring in 2015 he has started writing short stories, some of…
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Lee Marc Stein lives in East Setauket, NY.  His poetry has appeared in Blast Furnace, Message in a Bottle, Miller's Pond, Subliminal Interiors, and The Write Room.  His book Whispers in the Galleries features ekphrastic poems.  His stories have been published in Fictional Café, Bartleby Snopes, nicollsroad, and Write Place at the Write Time.   He led workshops at Stony Brook University's…
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Jen Stein is a writer, artist, editor, and educator in Fairfax, Virginia.  Her art and writing are informed by her experiences with advocacy and activism surrounding the politics of the body, disability, and mental health.  She has published and upcoming work with Anti-Heroin Chic, Porkbelly Press, Whale Road Review, Menacing…
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Lindsay Stenico is a poet and fiction writer from Western Massachusetts. She graduated from Westfield State University with a BA in Communication and English. Her work can be found in Otherwords Press, Proving Ground Online Magazine, and Persona. She tends to spend her time scrolling on Twitter as @lindsay_stenico, on…
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Eugene Stevenson, son of immigrants, father of expatriates, lives in the Smoky Mountains of North Carolina USA. He is author of The Population of Dreams (Finishing Line Press, 2022). His poems have appeared in Atlanta Review, Delta Poetry Review, The Hudson Review, San Antonio Review, San Pedro River Review, Tipton…
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Robert Steward teaches English as a foreign language and lives in London. His stories have appeared in Scrittura, Literally Stories, Across the Margin, The Ogilvie, The Door Is A Jar and others. You can find them at: twitter.com/theroadtonaples
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Alex Stolis lives in Minneapolis; he has had poems published in numerous journals. The full length collection, Postcards from the Knife-Thrower was runner up for the Moon City Poetry Prize in 2017. Two full length collections Pop. 1280, and John Berryman Died Here were released by Cyberwit and available on Amazon.  His work has previously appeared…
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Dana Storino is an emerging neurodiverse writer, has been published in Wrytimes and has been a guest blogger for ADDitude.com. She also has a short story being featured in the upcoming July issue of Her View From Home. She has two short stories published in separate issues of Gliterary Literary…
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Nathaniel Sverlow is a freelance writer of poetry and prose. He currently resides in the Sacramento area with two cats, an incredibly supportive wife, and a rambunctious son. His previous publishing credits include Typehouse Literary Magazine, Divot: A Journal of Poetry, Right Hand Pointing, and Black Coffee Review. He has…
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Jennifer A Swallow is known more for writing about cybersecurity than imaginary lives, but that doesn't stop her from filling notebook after notebook with ideas. Her creative work has recently appeared in The Courtship of Winds and Adelaide Literary Magazine. She lives the life of a digital nomad and finds inspiration everywhere she…
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John Sweet sends greetings from the rural wastelands of upstate NY. He is a firm believer in writing as catharsis, and in the continuous search for an unattainable and constantly evolving absolute truth. His latest poetry collections include A FLAG ON FIRE IS A SONG OF HOPE (2019 Scars Publications)…
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Jay Tanji is an American/British writer based in Barcelona. His previous work has been published in Dime Show Review, Gravel, Literally Stories, and Flash Fiction literary magazines. You can follow him on twitter @JKTanji. 
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David Tay Ang Shun is a Sarawakian studying in Singapore. He writes about everyday emotions and automatic thoughts. Find him on Twitter and Instagram (@oidavidah). His works can be found in Omelette Mag, Briefly Zine, and Provenance Journal.
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Liz Teuber is a mother, farmer, wife, divorcée, yoga teacher and avid forever student in the school of life. She divides her time between Vermont’s rural Northeast Kingdom and the metropolis of Burlington. An eclectic writer of poetry, CNF and fiction, her work has appeared in The Prairie Review. You…
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Bhuwan Thapaliya is a poet from Kathmandu, Nepal. He works as an economist and is the author of four poetry collections, including Safa Tempo (Nirala, New Delhi). His poems have been published in various International Journals and anthologized in numerous books worldwide such as Life in Quarantine: Witnessing Global Pandemic…
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M. Benjamin Thorne is an Associate Professor of Modern European History at Wingate University. Possessed of a lifelong love of history and poetry, he is interested in exploring the synergy between the two. His poems appear or are forthcoming in Sky Island Journal, Cathexis Northwest, Griffel, The Westchester Review, Feral, and Gyroscope Review. He lives and sometimes…
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Natalie Tisler is a twenty three year old poet living in New York City. She finds inspiration for her pieces by dissecting life experiences and analyzing them often through metaphor. Natalie is eager to share her poetry and connect with audiences that resonate with her use of imagery building language.…
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Ron Tobey grew up in north New Hampshire, USA, and attended the University of New Hampshire, Durham. He lives in West Virginia, where he and his wife raise cattle and keep goats and horses. He is an imagist poet, writing haiku, storytelling poems, spoken poetry, and producing video poetry. He…
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Robert Tobias challenges himself to excavate accumulated layers of baggage to uncover his emotional roots so what is written on the page is felt in his heart and understood in his mind in order to make an authentic heart/head connection with a reader. He started out hoisting bumpers on the…
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   David R. Topper writes mainly poetry and short stories (fiction and historical fiction), several of which have been published in on-line journals.
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Jenny Torniainen teaches English and Drama in Valencia, Spain and graduated in French Literature from the University of London and the Sorbonne in Paris. Published stories include: 'The Note' (Teach. Write), 'Refurb Dreams' (Grande Dame Literary), 'Blood Lines' (The Honest Ulsterman) and 'Lockdown Hero', ('Writers in Lockdown' Anthology).
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Angela Townsend is Development Director at Tabby’s Place: a Cat Sanctuary. She has an M.Div. from Princeton Theological Seminary and B.A. from Vassar College. She has lived with Type 1 diabetes for 33 years, laughs with her mother every morning, and delights in the moon. Her work appears or is…
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Born in Cuba, Matias Travieso-Diaz migrated to the United States as a young man. He became an engineer and lawyer and practiced for nearly fifty years. After retirement, he took up creative writing. Over one hundred of his short stories have been published or accepted for publication in paying anthologies,…
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Alyssa Troy is an English teacher in Bucks County, Pennsylvania. She has a B.A. in English and Secondary Education from Rider University, an M.Ed. in Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment from Cabrini University, and an M. Ed. in Reading from Eastern University. She will be featured in an upcoming issue by…
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Lenore Tsakanikas has been a student with the Writer's Studio since 2017. She was a presenter at the Writer's Studio Annual Student Reading in 2023. Her short story, "Chicken Marsala," was accepted for publication at Fiction on the Web. She holds a J.D. Degree and is a practicing family law…
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Mark Tulin is a former family therapist, joke writer, and fruit huckster. He started writing poems in high school and has never stopped writing and publishing. His books include Magical Yogis, Awkward Grace, The Asthmatic Kid and Other Stories, Junkyard Souls, and Rain on Cabrillo. When he's not writing, he…
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My work has appeared in numerous online and print venues including The Stray Branch, Mystery Weekly, Horla, Mystery Tribune, Frontier Tales, Cosmic Horror Monthly, Dark Dossier, and other magazines, podcasts and anthologies. My short story collection, "Souls In A Blender" was released by St. Rooster Books in October 2021.
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Max Turner is a gay transgender man based in the United Kingdom. He is also a parent, nerd, intersectional feminist and coffee addict. Max writes speculative and science fiction, urban fantasy, furry fiction, many sub-genres of horror, and LGBTQ+ romance and erotica. More often than not, he writes combinations thereof.…
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Isabel Tutaine is Cuban by birth, American by citizenship, and Cuban-New Englander by culture. She lives in midcoast Mane where she listns to what the ocean has to say, then runs home to write it down. Her debut novel, Song of the Wooden Sparrow, is being released early September, 2024. Check her out:…
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Toyb ben Uilliam (they/them) is a botanist and union organizer from the American Northeast. They can be found tending to their plants or writing on their down time.
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Jonathan Ukah lives in London with his wife, from where he writes poems and prose. His works have been published in literary journals. He studied English and Law and his social media presence is felt on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
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Joanna Urban's fiction and essays have appeared in Sunspot Lit, Belle Ombre, and Grace & Gravity anthology, among others. Her writing has won awards and funding from the D.C. Commission on Arts & Humanities and the Leopardi Writing Conference. Follow her and read more of her work on her website joannaurban.com and on instagram (@joanna.m.urban). Joanna…
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 Luke enjoys cooking tofu, qualitative research, and playing video games with faraway friends. He hopes to make some music soon.
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A novelist and private person, Clayton lives off the grid on the Pacific Coast. His fiction is available on Amazon and also recently appeared in 34THPARALLEL magazine. Please consider visiting claytonvanhook.com to learn more about Clayton's work.
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Anthony David Vernon is a Cuban-American literary writer and a master's level philosophy student at the University of New Mexico. His work is published regularly in outlets including The Cabinet of Heed, Poetry's Super Highway, and Zin Daily to name a few. https://medium.com/@antmanvernon305
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Susan Vespoli writes poems from Phoenix, AZ. Her work has been published in Rattle, ONE ART, Gyroscope Review, and other cool spots. She has three poetry collections, Blame It on the Serpent, Cactus as Bad Boy, and One of Them Was Mine. https://susanvespoli.com/
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Hart Vetter does not have a well-oiled dating technique. He writes in the Hudson Rivertown of Nyack, NY, where he closes his garage door with care. In 2024 his work appeared or will land in Across The Margin, Cleaver Magazine, Halfway Down The Stairs, Bull Men’s Fiction, Workers Write and…
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Erich von Hungen is a writer from San Francisco, California. He lives under a giant Norfolk pine in a century old house between Golden Gate Park and the Pacific Ocean. His writing has appeared in The Write Launch, Discretionary Love,  Green Ink Press, The Hyacinth Review, IceFloe Press, Fahmidan Journal, and others. . He is…
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Donna Love Wallace (Lewisville, NC) recently completed a Weymouth residency to work on her second poetry collection, titled Stethoscopic Bodies.  Her first poetry book, Between the Stones (Hermit Feathers Press, 2019) recounts her personal experience with breast cancer.  Donna has held positions with Winston Salem Writers, Poetry in Plain Sight, and Hermit Feathers…
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Claire is a writer from California, USA. When she isn't writing, she can be found with her nose buried in a book or firmly fixed to a television. She is one of the current editors-in-chief of the literary magazine, Myrina Journal, and is currently contributing to the up-and-coming Tiger Leaping…
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Christian Ward is a UK-based writer who can be currently found in Wild Greens and is forthcoming in Dreich, Uppagus and Spillwords. He was recently shortlisted in the 2021 Canterbury Poet of the Year Competition.
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Devon Webb is a Gen Z writer & editor based in Aotearoa New Zealand. Her award-winning work has been published extensively worldwide & revolves around themes of femininity, vulnerability, anti-capitalism & neurodivergence. She is an in-house writer for Erato Magazine, an editor for Prismatica Press, & a founding member of The Circus (@circuslit), a collective…
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Kaylin Weir lives in Arlington, VA, with her husband and two young daughters. She is a full-time mother and part-time graduate student, studying to become a licensed professional counselor. In her spare time, which is often short in supply, she enjoys hiking, reading, and writing poetry and prose centered on…
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Bruce Wetter has worked for most of his life with neglected children and people in need. He's a firm believer that tragedy burns to life the true shape of a person. He wishes this was not so. He has been published by Simon&Schuster, and by too many defunct rags to…
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Jess Whetsel is a poet, writer, editor, and public speaker based in Toledo, Ohio on Erie, Kickapoo, Seneca, and Odawa land. Her poetry has appeared in the literary journal Tulip Tree Review and the book Out of the Darkness, Into the Light: Writing Workshop KC Anthology, Volume I. You can…
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Lynn White lives in north Wales. Her work is influenced by issues of social justice and events, places and people she has known or imagined. She is especially interested in exploring the boundaries of dream, fantasy and reality. She was shortlisted in the Theatre Cloud 'War Poetry for Today' competition…
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Cristina L. White is a life-long reader, writer, and artist. Her work has appeared in Orion Magazine, Occult Detective Magazine, Pigeon Review, Willawaw Journal, VoiceCatcher, and the anthology Youth in Wartime. She is a published and produced playwright, an award-winning filmmaker, and has twice been a featured writer at the Literary Arts…
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Sharon Whitehill is a retired English professor from West Michigan now living in Port Charlotte, Florida. In addition to poems published in various literary magazines, her publications include two biographies, two memoirs, two poetry chapbooks, and a full collection of poems.
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In beautiful, hand-sewn editions, Ethelzine has published two chapbook-length poems by Anne Whitehouse about women artists, Escaping Lee Miller and Surrealist Muse (about Leonora Carrington). Anne's most recent poetry collection is Outside from the Inside (Dos Madres Press, 2020). www.annewhitehouse.com
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Miles Whitney is a queer, trans, Jewish lawyer living in Sacramento, California. Miles started writing creatively after the unexpected death of his daughter Isabel in 2022.
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Megan Wildhood is a neurodiverse writer, editor and writing coach who thrives helping entrepreneurs and small business owners create authentic copy to reach the people they feel called to serve.  She helps her readers feel seen in her poetry chapbook Long Division (Finishing Line Press, 2017) as well as Yes!…
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John Wiley started as a ballet dancer and began writing poetry when his knees finally gave up for good.  His work has been published in Terror House Magazine, Grand Little Things and Sparks of Calliope among other publications.  He lives in a small beach town on the central coast of…
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Andrew Ray Williams is a poet living in Pennsylvania, USA. His work has been featured at Ink, Swear & Tears, Red Eft Review, The BeZine Quarterly, among others.
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A.R. Williams is a poet living in the Shenandoah Valley in Virginia. He is the author of A Funeral in the Wild(Kelsay Books, 2024) and the editor of East Ridge Review. 
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Alice Wilson is a PhD researcher at the University of York looking at women who build their own tiny houses, and is also the co-director of social enterprise OpHouse. Her work has appeared in Ruminate Magazine and the Apple Valley Review.
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Janna Wilson is a Vancouver-based poet, wanderer, and lover of sunshine, beaches, tattoos and music. In the other hours, she works as a program coordinator for the University of Victoria. Recent work has appeared in Paddler Press (2023). Her first chapbook, The Octopus Hunter, was published by Leaf Press in 2010.
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I have published over thirty-five short stories in both magazines and anthologies, as well as two novels, and a short story collection.  I won the first annual Aiken Community Playhouse playwriting contest that produced my comedic two-act play.  I have written nine novels, countless articles, reviews, essays, plays, and over…
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Mike Wilson's work has appeared in magazines including The Pettigru Review, Fiction Southeast, Mud Season Review,  Deep South Magazine, Barely South Review, and Anthology of Appalachian Writers Vol. X. He’s author of Arranging Deck Chairs on the Titanic.
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VA lives outside Seattle, WA, with her human and animal family. Her work has appeared in The Lake, 34th Parallel Magazine, Sad Girls Literary Magazine, Ignatian Literary Magazine, OJA & L Magazine, Front Porch Review, and Five on the Fifth. She has work forthcoming in Panoplyzine Magazine as the Editors’…
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Shannon Wolf is a British writer and teacher, living in Denver, Colorado. Her debut full-length poetry collection Green Card Girl is forthcoming from Fernwood Press. She received a joint MA-MFA in Poetry at McNeese State University and also has degrees from Lancaster University and the University of Chichester. She is…
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J.W. Wood's short fiction and poetry have appeared widely in the US, UK , Canada and other countries. He is the author of six books of poetry and a novel, all published by small presses in the UK. In 2024/2025, collections of his short fiction will appear from small presses…
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Laura Wright works with animals in the beautiful Catskill Mountains of upstate NY. She is a nature and art lover and is happiest when she is doing something creative, including writing poetry.
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Brooke Xu is a first-year at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, studying English & Comparative Literature. She received a gold medal for Short Story in the 2023 Scholastic Art and Writing Awards. Her writing has previously appeared in Cathartic Youth Literary Magazine, Unfiltered Zine, and AURAL Magazine. 
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Ping Yi writes poetry, travelogues and fiction, and is in public service. His work has appeared in Litro, London Grip, Meniscus, La Piccioletta Barca, Sideways, Vita Poetica, Poetry Breakfast, Wild Greens and ONE ART, and is forthcoming in Harbor Review, Rising Phoenix Review, The Prose Poem and The Word’s Faire. Ping Yi is from Singapore, and has lived in Boston, MA, and Cambridge, UK.
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Tracey Yokas creates stuff. When she isn't writing about mental health and wellness, you can find her playing with paint, glitter, and glue. Her first memoir, Bloodlines: A Memoir of Self-Harm and Healing Generational Trauma, is due in May 2024 by She Writes Press. You can find her at www.traceyyokascreates.com. On Facebook @traceyyokascreates…
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Braxton Younts is a single dad who writes from his drop-leaf kitchen table in Seattle. In 2016, he earned an MFA in Creative Nonfiction from The New School. XRAY Literary Magazine, Newtown Literary, Dead Mule School, Rock and a Hard Place Magazine, and others have recently published his writing.
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Rachael Isabella Zeelie is a young UK-based poet with a penchant for the strange and unsettling. They use poetry as a medium to explore queer identity, religion and individualism and have been previously published online at Nowhere Girl Collective and Lilith’s Diaries. rachaelisabella.carrd.co
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Sam Zimmerman is a current graduate student at SUNY New Paltz. She loves experimenting with different types of poetry and writing creative nonfiction. Sam is a contributing editor at Pine Hills Review. Her work has been featured in Sledgehammer Lit. She currently resides in a small town in the middle…
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