Two Poems
Facebook Mom
My Lil’ Man she calls her dimpled
darling in disposable diapers,
pacifier stuffed in his mouth
like a pig roasting on a spit.
He watches from his baby seat
as his mother shows off white
teeth, cleavage and bare legs
in the selfies she posts daily.
My Lil’ Man loves his mama,
she tells her 155 friends.
You are a good Mom,
her friends respond.
He is lucky to have you,
as her Lil Man’s bald head falls
face down in spit up on his chest.
like a passed out drunk.
Bobby and Me
I heard it on the grapevine,
you two dated back in Montana
in your teens, the barmaid blubbers
as she hands me an iced tea
and him a draft. The drunks
around the table are all ears.
She came into the Dairy Queen
and I sold her a curly top cone
and we fell head over heels.
His blue eyes sparkle
over his bushy white beard.
Heads swivel and eyes stare
as I blush like the Bougainvillea’s
crawling up the patio wall.
Cut your BS, my husband says.
You never met my wife until
we retired in Arizona. He hands
the beer back to the barmaid
and his bandmate says: She dumped
me for the basketball star who
married my other girlfriend,
and the crowd murmurs, Right Bobby.
as he grabs his guitar and sings,
Your Cheating Heart directly to me.

Sharon Waller Knutson is a retired journalist who lives in Arizona. She has published several poetry books including My Grandmother Smokes Chesterfields (Flutter Press 2014,) What the Clairvoyant Doesn’t Say and Trials & Tribulations of Sports Bob (Kelsay Books 2021) and Survivors, Saints and Sinners (Cyberwit 2022.) Her work has also appeared in The Rye Whiskey Review, Black Coffee Review, Terror House Review, Trouvaille Review, ONE ART, Mad Swirl, The Drabble, Gleam, Spillwords, Muddy River Review, Verse-Virtual, Your Daily Poem, Red Eft Review, The Five-Two and The Song Is…