People With Love
If you are my neighbor,
I will love the trees
You plant for your child
To swing alone in the wind.
If you were my love
I would tell you that
You could fly and that
Cities get lost, drinking
Red wine from Spain,
Sipping all the accents.
But would you believe me?
Does it matter?
We believe like children
Reaping calm manifestations
That twist as we fall and imagine
Before we fly and while we soar
Through the air
Past our landing.

Jay Nunnery is a writer, teacher, and musician, who calls many places home: Wisconsin, New York, Louisiana, and California. Recently, he completed his short story collection, Alms, Louisiana, a collection of twenty-one, interconnected stories. Currently, he is working on a screenplay called The Circuses when he is not teaching high schoolers or making music.