On the Cusp
—- there is an indifference brewing, an apocalypse at the bottom of my cup. ‘I regret to inform
you that…’ when the rain falls, I will taste it. move with it and not against, like fire, somewhere
lost in-between the engulfment. somewhere atomically scattered, where you can still feel the
animal in your bones, and my soul trickling down your lips, the voice amidst the thunder.
somewhere the path opens up, a bit brighter, comfortably lost in the center of this meandering
chaos, where these friendly shadows become something to follow home.

H.A.Laine is a US based writer & poet who has been creating short stories and weaving tapestries of emotional imagery into poetic ‘streams of consciousness’ for well over a decade. She is the author of the new poetry series ‘Alien Translations’ and has had prior poetry
published on reputable sites. Her pieces often border the line between love and the great unknown, mixing heavy emotion, spirituality, and mystery into poetic cocktails that evoke. individual reader interpretations. When she is not writing she’s busy spending time with her
dogs, reading, philosophizing, researching space and tech news, and blogging.