Dear Mustache Man
dear mustache man
let me rest in peace without the phone’s ping
causing me to jump
a fatigued fuck flying from loose, weary lips
say something other than a loaded question when I pick up
ask me what my crappiest moment is, ask what you can do for me
omit the lecture pronounced with porcupine prickliness
people will abandon you
bad, too weak
soft mother, should have kicked your ass
lie more, chase women, hunt, fuck
be a lawyer
useful writing
stories my son
I but love you
kick ass
your senseless dream
mustache man, let me create,
a child’s awe, fitting words into spaces
walking curvaceous country roads
discarding time like a Coors can
let me dance as the moon rises, with shadows and stardust
mustache man
I’m not your gofer, consiglieri on call
yet I crippled you because I wouldn’t write letters of paternal praise
dictated by you
your truth malleable
and once I told you to kiss my ass
fusillades of fucks fired off
but my words exploded like the Hindenburg
naked shame splayed across the ground
did you expect me to break out into song and
tap dance through rehearsed thank yous?
after all, each I love you is followed by a but
mustache man
let me rest
in deep lush dreamlands
creating, smiling, God forbid—-laughing
love me, hate me—- let me rest
let me have one song on the jukebox
at the bar where you think I’m a drunk
let me dance, mustache man

Yash Seyedbagheri is a graduate of Colorado State University’s MFA program in fiction. His stories, “Soon,” “How To Be A Good Episcopalian,” and “Tales From A Communion Line,” were nominated for Pushcarts. Yash’s work has been published in SmokeLong Quarterly, The Journal of Compressed Creative Arts, Write City Magazine, and Ariel Chart, among others.